Golang client adaptor for nodes. Used to connect to and communicate with nodes from: https://github.com/swarm-cache/node. Can set, get, delete data from a swarm of nodes. Operations set/get/del are asynchronous by nature but handled in synchronous manner.
go get github.com/swarm-cache/go-adapter
package main
import (
cache "github.com/swarm-cache/go-adapter/export"
func main() {
// Connect to a node from swarm.
// You can pass connection parameters, see example: https://github.com/swarm-cache/go-adapter/blob/main/tests/main.go
err, c := cache.Connect("", nil)
if err != nil {
key := "hello"
value := []byte("world!")
// Setting a key => value pair into swarm
err := c.Set(key, &value)
if err != nil {
// Retrieving a value from swarm by key
c.Get(key, value)
// Deleting a value from swarm by key