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nested lens usage refactor (part 1) (#2268)
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Towards #2265.

This will be a multi-part refactoring, since `uiGamestate` is accessed in hundreds of places.  The more repetition that can be eliminated, the easier it will be to eventually modify the type of the record fields.

In this PR, a few no-op refactorings:
* use a narrower type in many places (e.g. pass `UIGameplay` rather than `AppState` as function parameter
* define local aliases for long lens chains
* Use `zoom` for blocks of operations on deeply nested state
  • Loading branch information
kostmo authored Jan 6, 2025
1 parent 0ad3582 commit 2193e84
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Showing 9 changed files with 290 additions and 234 deletions.
17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions src/swarm-tui/Swarm/TUI/Controller.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -641,14 +641,15 @@ handleREPLEventTyping = \case
modify validateREPLForm
-- Otherwise, just move around in the history as normal.
_ -> modify $ adjReplHistIndex Newer
ControlChar 'r' -> do
s <- get
let uinput = s ^. uiState . uiGameplay . uiREPL . replPromptText
case s ^. uiState . uiGameplay . uiREPL . replPromptType of
CmdPrompt _ -> uiState . uiGameplay . uiREPL . replPromptType .= SearchPrompt (s ^. uiState . uiGameplay . uiREPL . replHistory)
SearchPrompt rh -> case lastEntry uinput rh of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just found -> uiState . uiGameplay . uiREPL . replPromptType .= SearchPrompt (removeEntry found rh)
ControlChar 'r' ->
Brick.zoom (uiState . uiGameplay . uiREPL) $ do
uir <- get
let uinput = uir ^. replPromptText
case uir ^. replPromptType of
CmdPrompt _ -> replPromptType .= SearchPrompt (uir ^. replHistory)
SearchPrompt rh -> case lastEntry uinput rh of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just found -> replPromptType .= SearchPrompt (removeEntry found rh)
CharKey '\t' -> do
s <- get
let names = s ^.. gameState . baseEnv . envTypes . to assocs . traverse . _1
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87 changes: 47 additions & 40 deletions src/swarm-tui/Swarm/TUI/Controller/EventHandlers/Frame.hs
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Expand Up @@ -51,69 +51,76 @@ runFrame = do

-- The logic here is taken from .

-- Find out how long the previous frame took, by subtracting the
-- previous time from the current time.
prevTime <- use (uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming . lastFrameTime)
curTime <- liftIO $ getTime Monotonic
let frameTime = diffTimeSpec curTime prevTime

-- Remember now as the new previous time.
uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming . lastFrameTime .= curTime

-- We now have some additional accumulated time to play with. The
-- idea is to now "catch up" by doing as many ticks as are supposed
-- to fit in the accumulated time. Some accumulated time may be
-- left over, but it will roll over to the next frame. This way we
-- deal smoothly with things like a variable frame rate, the frame
-- rate not being a nice multiple of the desired ticks per second,
-- etc.
uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming . accumulatedTime += frameTime

-- Figure out how many ticks per second we're supposed to do,
-- and compute the timestep `dt` for a single tick.
lgTPS <- use (uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming . lgTicksPerSecond)
let oneSecond = 1_000_000_000 -- one second = 10^9 nanoseconds
| lgTPS >= 0 = oneSecond `div` (1 `shiftL` lgTPS)
| otherwise = oneSecond * (1 `shiftL` abs lgTPS)
Brick.zoom (uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming) $ do
-- Find out how long the previous frame took, by subtracting the
-- previous time from the current time.
prevTime <- use lastFrameTime
let frameTime = diffTimeSpec curTime prevTime

-- Remember now as the new previous time.
lastFrameTime .= curTime

-- We now have some additional accumulated time to play with. The
-- idea is to now "catch up" by doing as many ticks as are supposed
-- to fit in the accumulated time. Some accumulated time may be
-- left over, but it will roll over to the next frame. This way we
-- deal smoothly with things like a variable frame rate, the frame
-- rate not being a nice multiple of the desired ticks per second,
-- etc.
accumulatedTime += frameTime

-- Update TPS/FPS counters every second
infoUpdateTime <- use (uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming . lastInfoTime)
let updateTime = toNanoSecs $ diffTimeSpec curTime infoUpdateTime
when (updateTime >= oneSecond) $ do
-- Wait for at least one second to have elapsed
when (infoUpdateTime /= 0) $ do
-- set how much frame got processed per second
frames <- use (uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming . frameCount)
uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming . uiFPS .= fromIntegral (frames * fromInteger oneSecond) / fromIntegral updateTime
Brick.zoom (uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming) $ do
-- set how much frame got processed per second
frames <- use frameCount
uiFPS .= fromIntegral (frames * fromInteger oneSecond) / fromIntegral updateTime

-- set how much ticks got processed per frame
uiTicks <- use (uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming . tickCount)
uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming . uiTPF .= fromIntegral uiTicks / fromIntegral frames
-- set how much ticks got processed per frame
uiTicks <- use tickCount
uiTPF .= fromIntegral uiTicks / fromIntegral frames

-- ensure this frame gets drawn
gameState . needsRedraw .= True

-- Reset the counter and wait another seconds for the next update
uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming . tickCount .= 0
uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming . frameCount .= 0
uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming . lastInfoTime .= curTime
Brick.zoom (uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming) $ do
-- Reset the counter and wait another seconds for the next update
tickCount .= 0
frameCount .= 0
lastInfoTime .= curTime

Brick.zoom (uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming) $ do
-- Increment the frame count
frameCount += 1

-- Increment the frame count
uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming . frameCount += 1
-- Now do as many ticks as we need to catch up.
frameTickCount .= 0

-- Figure out how many ticks per second we're supposed to do,
-- and compute the timestep `dt` for a single tick.
lgTPS <- use (uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming . lgTicksPerSecond)
let dt
| lgTPS >= 0 = oneSecond `div` (1 `shiftL` lgTPS)
| otherwise = oneSecond * (1 `shiftL` abs lgTPS)

-- Now do as many ticks as we need to catch up.
uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming . frameTickCount .= 0
runFrameTicks (fromNanoSecs dt)
oneSecond = 1_000_000_000 -- one second = 10^9 nanoseconds

-- | Do zero or more ticks, with each tick notionally taking the given
-- timestep, until we have used up all available accumulated time,
-- OR until we have hit the cap on ticks per frame, whichever comes
-- first.
runFrameTicks :: TimeSpec -> EventM Name AppState ()
runFrameTicks dt = do
a <- use (uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming . accumulatedTime)
t <- use (uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming . frameTickCount)
timing <- use $ uiState . uiGameplay . uiTiming
let a = timing ^. accumulatedTime
t = timing ^. frameTickCount

-- Ensure there is still enough time left, and we haven't hit the
-- tick limit for this frame.
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/swarm-tui/Swarm/TUI/Controller/EventHandlers/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,15 +94,15 @@ viewGoal = do
else continueWithoutRedraw

hideRobots :: EventM Name AppState ()
hideRobots = do
hideRobots = Brick.zoom (uiState . uiGameplay) $ do
t <- liftIO $ getTime Monotonic
h <- use $ uiState . uiGameplay . uiHideRobotsUntil
h <- use uiHideRobotsUntil
case h >= t of
-- ignore repeated keypresses
True -> continueWithoutRedraw
-- hide for two seconds
False -> do
uiState . uiGameplay . uiHideRobotsUntil .= t + TimeSpec 2 0
uiHideRobotsUntil .= t + TimeSpec 2 0
invalidateCacheEntry WorldCache

showCESKDebug :: EventM Name AppState ()
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/swarm-tui/Swarm/TUI/Controller/EventHandlers/REPL.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ togglePilotingMode = do
s <- get
let theRepl = s ^. uiState . uiGameplay . uiREPL
uinput = theRepl ^. replPromptText
curMode <- use $ uiState . uiGameplay . uiREPL . replControlMode
curMode = theRepl ^. replControlMode
case curMode of
Piloting -> uiState . uiGameplay . uiREPL . replControlMode .= Typing
_ ->
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29 changes: 17 additions & 12 deletions src/swarm-tui/Swarm/TUI/Editor/Controller.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,11 +41,12 @@ import System.Clock
activateWorldEditorFunction :: WorldEditorFocusable -> EventM Name AppState ()
activateWorldEditorFunction BrushSelector = openModal TerrainPaletteModal
activateWorldEditorFunction EntitySelector = openModal EntityPaletteModal
activateWorldEditorFunction AreaSelector = do
selectorStage <- use $ uiState . uiGameplay . uiWorldEditor . editingBounds . boundsSelectionStep
case selectorStage of
SelectionComplete -> uiState . uiGameplay . uiWorldEditor . editingBounds . boundsSelectionStep .= UpperLeftPending
_ -> return ()
activateWorldEditorFunction AreaSelector =
Brick.zoom (uiState . uiGameplay . uiWorldEditor . editingBounds) $ do
selectorStage <- use boundsSelectionStep
case selectorStage of
SelectionComplete -> boundsSelectionStep .= UpperLeftPending
_ -> return ()
activateWorldEditorFunction OutputPathSelector =
-- TODO: #1371
liftIO $ putStrLn "File selection"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,16 +144,20 @@ updateAreaBounds = \case

saveMapFile :: EventM Name AppState ()
saveMapFile = do
worldEditor <- use $ uiState . uiGameplay . uiWorldEditor
maybeBounds <- use $ uiState . uiGameplay . uiWorldEditor . editingBounds . boundsRect
w <- use $ gameState . landscape . multiWorld
tm <- use $ gameState . landscape . terrainAndEntities . terrainMap
let mapCellGrid =
uig <- use $ uiState . uiGameplay
land <- use $ gameState . landscape
let worldEditor = uig ^. uiWorldEditor
maybeBounds = uig ^. uiWorldEditor . editingBounds . boundsRect

w = land ^. multiWorld
tm = land ^. terrainAndEntities . terrainMap
mapCellGrid =
<$> EU.getEditedMapRectangle tm (worldEditor ^. worldOverdraw) maybeBounds w

let fp = worldEditor ^. outputFilePath
maybeScenarioPair <- use $ uiState . uiGameplay . scenarioRef
fp = worldEditor ^. outputFilePath
maybeScenarioPair = uig ^. scenarioRef

liftIO $ Y.encodeFile fp $ constructScenario (fst <$> maybeScenarioPair) mapCellGrid

uiState . uiGameplay . uiWorldEditor . lastWorldEditorMessage .= Just "Saved."
29 changes: 14 additions & 15 deletions src/swarm-tui/Swarm/TUI/Editor/View.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,21 +19,20 @@ import Swarm.TUI.Border
import Swarm.TUI.Editor.Model
import Swarm.TUI.Model
import Swarm.TUI.Model.Name
import Swarm.TUI.Model.UI
import Swarm.TUI.Model.UI.Gameplay
import Swarm.TUI.Panel
import Swarm.TUI.View.Attribute.Attr
import Swarm.TUI.View.CellDisplay (renderDisplay)
import Swarm.TUI.View.Util qualified as VU
import Swarm.Util (applyWhen)

extractTerrainMap :: UIState -> TerrainMap
extractTerrainMap uis =
extractTerrainMap :: UIGameplay -> TerrainMap
extractTerrainMap uig =
maybe mempty (view (scenarioLandscape . scenarioTerrainAndEntities . terrainMap) . fst) $
uis ^. uiGameplay . scenarioRef
uig ^. scenarioRef

drawWorldEditor :: FocusRing Name -> UIState -> Widget Name
drawWorldEditor toplevelFocusRing uis =
drawWorldEditor :: FocusRing Name -> UIGameplay -> Widget Name
drawWorldEditor toplevelFocusRing uig =
if worldEditor ^. worldOverdraw . isWorldEditorEnabled
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,7 +63,7 @@ drawWorldEditor toplevelFocusRing uis =
hLimit 30 $
controlsBox <=> statusBox

worldEditor = uis ^. uiGameplay . uiWorldEditor
worldEditor = uig ^. uiWorldEditor
maybeAreaBounds = worldEditor ^. editingBounds . boundsRect

-- TODO (#1150): Use withFocusRing?
Expand All @@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ drawWorldEditor toplevelFocusRing uis =
selectedThing = snd <$> BL.listSelectedElement list

tm = extractTerrainMap uis
tm = extractTerrainMap uig

brushWidget =
mkFormControl (WorldEditorPanelControl BrushSelector) $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,25 +145,25 @@ drawLabeledEntitySwatch (EntityFacade eName eDisplay) =
tile = padRight (Pad 1) $ renderDisplay eDisplay

drawTerrainSelector :: AppState -> Widget Name
drawTerrainSelector s =
drawTerrainSelector :: UIGameplay -> Widget Name
drawTerrainSelector uig =
padAll 1
. hCenter
. vLimit 8
. BL.renderListWithIndex (listDrawTerrainElement $ extractTerrainMap $ s ^. uiState) True
$ s ^. uiState . uiGameplay . uiWorldEditor . terrainList
. BL.renderListWithIndex (listDrawTerrainElement $ extractTerrainMap uig) True
$ uig ^. uiWorldEditor . terrainList

listDrawTerrainElement :: TerrainMap -> Int -> Bool -> TerrainType -> Widget Name
listDrawTerrainElement tm pos _isSelected a =
clickable (TerrainListItem pos) $ VU.drawLabeledTerrainSwatch tm a

drawEntityPaintSelector :: AppState -> Widget Name
drawEntityPaintSelector s =
drawEntityPaintSelector :: UIGameplay -> Widget Name
drawEntityPaintSelector uig =
padAll 1
. hCenter
. vLimit 10
. BL.renderListWithIndex listDrawEntityPaintElement True
$ s ^. uiState . uiGameplay . uiWorldEditor . entityPaintList
$ uig ^. uiWorldEditor . entityPaintList

listDrawEntityPaintElement :: Int -> Bool -> EntityFacade -> Widget Name
listDrawEntityPaintElement pos _isSelected a =
Expand Down
73 changes: 42 additions & 31 deletions src/swarm-tui/Swarm/TUI/Model/StateUpdate.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -245,14 +245,54 @@ scenarioToAppState siPair@(scene, _) lp = do
l .= x'
return x'

setUIGameplay ::
GameState ->
TimeSpec ->
Bool ->
ScenarioInfoPair ->
UIGameplay ->
setUIGameplay gs curTime isAutoplaying siPair@(scenario, _) uig =
& uiDialogs . uiGoal .~ emptyGoalDisplay
& uiIsAutoPlay .~ isAutoplaying
& uiFocusRing .~ initFocusRing
& uiInventory . uiInventorySearch .~ Nothing
& uiInventory . uiInventoryList .~ Nothing
& uiInventory . uiInventorySort .~ defaultSortOptions
& uiInventory . uiShowZero .~ True
& uiTiming . uiShowFPS .~ False
& uiREPL .~ initREPLState (uig ^. uiREPL . replHistory)
& uiREPL . replHistory %~ restartREPLHistory
& scenarioRef ?~ siPair
& uiTiming . lastFrameTime .~ curTime
& uiWorldEditor . EM.entityPaintList %~ BL.listReplace entityList Nothing
& uiWorldEditor . EM.editingBounds . EM.boundsRect %~ setNewBounds
& uiDialogs . uiStructure
.~ StructureDisplay
(SR.makeListWidget . M.elems $ gs ^. landscape . recognizerAutomatons . originalStructureDefinitions)
(focusSetCurrent (StructureWidgets StructuresList) $ focusRing $ map StructureWidgets enumerate)
entityList = EU.getEntitiesForList $ gs ^. landscape . terrainAndEntities . entityMap

(isEmptyArea, newBounds) =
EU.getEditingBounds $
NE.head $
scenario ^. scenarioLandscape . scenarioWorlds

setNewBounds maybeOldBounds =
if isEmptyArea
then maybeOldBounds
else Just newBounds

-- | Modify the UI state appropriately when starting a new scenario.
scenarioToUIState ::
Bool ->
ScenarioInfoPair ->
GameState ->
UIState ->
IO UIState
scenarioToUIState isAutoplaying siPair@(scenario, _) gs u = do
scenarioToUIState isAutoplaying siPair gs u = do
curTime <- getTime Monotonic
return $
Expand All @@ -263,36 +303,7 @@ scenarioToUIState isAutoplaying siPair@(scenario, _) gs u = do
fst siPair ^. scenarioLandscape . scenarioAttrs
& uiGameplay . uiDialogs . uiGoal .~ emptyGoalDisplay
& uiGameplay . uiIsAutoPlay .~ isAutoplaying
& uiGameplay . uiFocusRing .~ initFocusRing
& uiGameplay . uiInventory . uiInventorySearch .~ Nothing
& uiGameplay . uiInventory . uiInventoryList .~ Nothing
& uiGameplay . uiInventory . uiInventorySort .~ defaultSortOptions
& uiGameplay . uiInventory . uiShowZero .~ True
& uiGameplay . uiTiming . uiShowFPS .~ False
& uiGameplay . uiREPL .~ initREPLState (u ^. uiGameplay . uiREPL . replHistory)
& uiGameplay . uiREPL . replHistory %~ restartREPLHistory
& uiGameplay . scenarioRef ?~ siPair
& uiGameplay . uiTiming . lastFrameTime .~ curTime
& uiGameplay . uiWorldEditor . EM.entityPaintList %~ BL.listReplace entityList Nothing
& uiGameplay . uiWorldEditor . EM.editingBounds . EM.boundsRect %~ setNewBounds
& uiGameplay . uiDialogs . uiStructure
.~ StructureDisplay
(SR.makeListWidget . M.elems $ gs ^. landscape . recognizerAutomatons . originalStructureDefinitions)
(focusSetCurrent (StructureWidgets StructuresList) $ focusRing $ map StructureWidgets enumerate)
entityList = EU.getEntitiesForList $ gs ^. landscape . terrainAndEntities . entityMap

(isEmptyArea, newBounds) =
EU.getEditingBounds $
NE.head $
scenario ^. scenarioLandscape . scenarioWorlds

setNewBounds maybeOldBounds =
if isEmptyArea
then maybeOldBounds
else Just newBounds
& uiGameplay %~ setUIGameplay gs curTime isAutoplaying siPair

-- | Create an initial app state for a specific scenario. Note that
-- this function is used only for unit tests, integration tests, and
Expand Down

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