This is an encyclopedia that consists of a number of encyclopedia entries on various topics.
it contains-:
- Entry Page -: actual article entry (/wiki/TITLE)
- Index Page -: listing the names of all pages in the encyclopedia
- Search -: Allow the user to type a query into the search box in the sidebar to search for an encyclopedia entry
- New Page-: Clicking “Create New Page” in the sidebar takes the user to a page where they can create a new encyclopedia entry.
- Edit Page-: On each entry page, the user is able to click a link to be taken to a page where the user can edit that entry’s Markdown content in a textarea
- Random Page-: Clicking “Random Page” in the sidebar takes user to a random encyclopedia entry.
- Markdown to HTML Conversion-: On each entry’s page, any Markdown content in the entry file is converted to HTML before being displayed to the user.