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Angular Assignment - Keep Level 1


The Objective of this application is to understand the fundamentals of Angular.

Expected Outcome:

By the end of the assignment you should be able to understand

  1. Modules
  2. Components
  3. Angular Material
  4. Data Binding
  5. Dependency Injection
  6. Services


  1. Fork this boilerplate repository
  2. Clone the boilerplate repository and cd into it
  3. Install dependencies npm install
  4. Run the backend json-server server/db.json which shall run on port:3000
  5. Run the frontend npm run start which shall run on port:4200


Create a Angular Application similar to Google Keep with the following specs.

  1. Keep should use Material Design for it's UI
  2. It should be able to create and persist notes in the json-server.
  3. It should be able to load all notes on the load of the page as Cards
  4. json-server should host and serve angular application and notes api


  1. You are expected to use Note class for Note model
  2. AppModule shall be the root module
  3. HeaderComponent to use Material Toolbar with text content Keep
  4. AppComponent as the bootstrapping component
    4.1 To have an Material Expansion Panel with header title Take a note
    4.2 Expansion Panel to include an input Form Control with name attribute title for taking title for the note
    4.3 Expansion Panel to include a textarea Form Control with name attribute text for taking text for the note
    4.4 Expansion Panel to include a button with text Done to add and persist the note in the list. Optimistic load is suggested here, that means we should add the note in the list on the client side without waiting for server response and only in case of any server error, the same note shall be removed from the list
    4.5 To display the collection of notes from server
    4.6 For any server errors or UI validation errors, a property errMessage of type String to be set in the component
  5. NotesService talks to the json-server to fetch/persist data and shall include methods -
    5.1 getNotes() to fetch the notes collection
    5.2 addNote() to persist a note to server
  6. In case you have implemented this -> json-server should host and serve angular application and notes api , please add the necessary steps to run the application in this same file.
  7. Ensure following commands succeed in your local machine before submitting your code for Preliminary automated review as described next -
npm run build
npm run lint
npm run test
npm run e2e```

## Submitting your solution for preliminary automated review  
1. Open `` and login into the platform  
2. Under `Assignment repository` select `angular-keep-level-1-assignment`, and branch `master`
3. Under `Your solution repository` select your own repository and branch
4. Press `Submit`
5. Press `click here` for the feedback
6. Evaluation will take around 5 mins to complete after which you need to refresh your browser and get the updated status
7. Watch out for your total score and detailed status on each test and eslint errors in the coloured blocks on the screen  
8. Fix failing test cases as well as eslint errors and re-submit your solution (you may skip any eslint errors reported in the provided spec files) 


- You add the respective Mentor as a Reporter/Master into your Assignment Repository

- You have checked your Assignment on the Automated Evaluation Tool - Hobbes (Check for necessary steps in your Boilerplate - file. ) and got the required score - Check with your mentor about the Score you must achieve before it is accepted for Manual Submission.

- Intimate your Mentor on Slack and/or Send an Email to [email protected] - with your Git URL - Once you are done working and are ready for final submission.

## References:	
1.  Google Keep	
2.  Angular Material	
3.  [Angular Architecture](
4.  [Angular CLI](	
5.  [Angular Templates](	
6.  [Angular Data Binding](	


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