UNESCO Associate Project officer Job Test
- PHP 5.5 and above
- Apache / Tomcat
- Bootstap 4.1 (incuded)
- host:
- database: interview
- The site will open the Login Page. Please provide the username as ava and password as ava Dont use the john user as some issue with its encryption
- If the login is correct, it will forward the user to the Observation Manager Page. Else Shows the login incorrect Message.
- It contains all the inserted data of the Observation Form
- To add New Observation Click on the Add New Observation link
- To Edit old Observation record Click on the Edit link infornt of that row
- To Delete old Observation record Click on the Delete link infornt of that row a conformation Message will appear if you click yes button it will delete that record
- Did the Analysis of the whole task and divide my task into three phase which includes Designing of the form, PHP Prgramming (Server Side), and Browser Compatibilitiy Check
Completed in 20 mins. - Developed of the Login form using BootStrap & HTML.
Completed in 15 mins. - Make a connection with the Database of the server using a php code file name connect.php.
Completed in 15 mins. - Created a full Observation Mangaer which includes:
- View: observation_manager.php
- Insert Form: observation_add.php
- Update Form: observation_edit.php
- Delete: observation_del.php
- The work should be compatible with the current latest versions of Chrome and Firefox.
Completed in 5 mins
- Presented By: Syed Sana ul Haq Fazli