The Symphony BDK for Java helps you to create production-grade Chat Bots and Extension Applications on top of the Symphony REST APIs.
The reference documentation includes detailed installation instructions as well as a comprehensive getting started guide.
Here is a quick teaser of a complete Symphony BDK application in Java:
public class BotApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final SymphonyBdk bdk = new SymphonyBdk(BdkConfigLoader.loadFromSymphonyDir("config.yaml"));
bdk.activities().register(new SlashCommand("/hello", context -> {
bdk.messages().send(context.getStreamId(), "<messageML>Hello, World!</messageML>");
The Symphony BDK uses a Maven build. The instructions below use the Maven Wrapper from the root of the source tree. The wrapper script serves as a cross-platform, self-contained bootstrap mechanism for the build system.
To build you will need Git and JDK 8 or later.
Be sure that your JAVA_HOME
environment variable points to the jdk1.8+
folder extracted from the JDK download.
To compile, test and build all jars, use:
./mvnw clean package
To install all Symphony BDK jars in your local Maven repository, use:
./mvnw clean install
The Symphony BDK is Open Source software released under the MIT License.