Shift-reduce parser based on Nivre (2004).
# command line help
% lein run -m simple_shift_reduce_parsing.core --help
# training the model from annotated sentences
% lein run --mode train --training-filename train.txt --k 10
# parse test sentences
% lein run --mode test --test-filename test.txt
# evaluate the system performance
% lein run --mode eval --test-filename test.txt
Nivre (2004)のarc-eagerなshift-reduce parserです。liblinearを利用しています。素性にはZhang and Nivre (ACL2011)の素性を入れています。
# mst format => conll format (with unlabeld)
% python bin/ data/test.lab | awk '{if ($0 != "") {print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6"\t"$7"\t_"} else {print}}' > gold.txt
# you can use 'whatswrong' ( to analyze the parsing errors
% java -jar bin/whatswrong-0.2.3-standalone.jar
Copyright (C) 2013 Yasuhisa Yoshida
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.