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DevOps - CI


  1. Start the devops-ci VM in the BME VIK Cloud (Smallville)
  2. Create new GitHub repository for the demo SpringBoot RESTFul application
git clone
git remote set-url myorigin YOUR_GIT_URL
git pull myorigin master --allow-unrelated-histories
git push -u myorigin master


  1. Run the SpringBoot REST App
./gradlew bootRun
  1. Test the application:
curl http://localhost:8088/greeting?name=Zoltan
  1. Add dependency (src/main/java/hello/
import org.joda.time.LocalTime;
    public String getContent() {
        LocalTime currentTime = new LocalTime();
        return content +" " + currentTime;
  1. Test the application again
curl http://localhost:8088/greeting?name=Zoltan
  1. Map the port 8088 to the public interface in the BME Cloud Manager
  2. Test the application on the generated URL using a browser


  1. Map the port 8080 to the public interface in the BME Cloud Manager
  2. Visit the generated endpoint
  3. Create a new freestyle job
    • Set your GitHub link to your project
    • Configure SCM: git
    • Add your repository URL
    • Set the "Branches to build" property to "*/master"
    • Add "Invoke gradle script" to the Build section
    • Set the gradle task: "build"
    • Add a Post Build action: Publish Junit test results
    • Set the path of the "Test report XMLs" to "build/test-results/test/*.xml"
  4. Set build trigger: Poll SCM "* * * * *"
  5. Add a new build task to do deployment: "Execute shell"
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate

Travis + Heroku

  1. Visit and login to using your GitHub account
  2. Open your profile page and connect your GitHub Rpository (enable) to Travis
  3. Add, commit and push the travis.yml file to your repository
language: java
jdk: openjdk8
  1. Add Procfile for Heroku deployment
web java -Dserver.port=$PORT -jar target/gs-rest-service-0.1.0.jar
  1. Add deploy steps to the .travis,yml
language: java
jdk: openjdk8

  provider: heroku
  api_key: paceholder
  app: devops-ci
  1. Generate secure API key for Heroku deployment for this repository
travis encrypt paste-your-api-key-here --add deploy.api_key --org
  1. Check the app on your Heroku URL


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