Beautiful, Zero Configuration, Toast Messages
Install via NPM:
npm install --save cogo-toast
Install via Yarn:
yarn add cogo-toast
Its Plug and Play. No configuration required. Just import and you are good to go.
import cogoToast from 'cogo-toast';
cogoToast.success("This is a success message!");
There are 5 built-in types to handle the most common cases in any application.
cogoToast.success('This is a success message');'This is a info message');
cogoToast.loading('This is a loading message');
cogoToast.warn('This is a warn message');
cogoToast.error('This is a error message');
Returns a promise which resolves when the toast is about to hide.
This can be useful to do some action when the toast has completed showing.
cogoToast.loading("Loading your data...").then(()=>{
cogoToast.success("Data Successfully Loaded");
When hideAfter = 0, It returns a callback function that hides the toast, instead of a promise.
The second parameter to the function is an options object that can be passed in for customization."This is an info message", options);
Here's a list of all the available options, to customize the toast to your needs.
Options | Type | Default |
hideAfter | Number in Seconds | 3.5 (Can be 0 to disable auto-hiding of the toast) |
position | 'top-left', 'top-center', 'top-right', 'bottom-left', 'bottom-center', 'bottom-right' |
'top-center' |
heading | String | '' |
icon | ReactNode | Icon Based on the Type |
bar | Object { size: '2px', style: 'solid/dashed/dotted', color: '#hex' } |
Based on the Type |
onClick | Function | null |
The package contains one single minified build file, and its all inclusive!
The SVG Icons and the Styles are packed along built into the Code.
- Anmol Mahatpurkar, Cogoport
Made with ♥ at Cogoport
Looking for contributors to make it more awesome!