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Software Requirements Specifications

Ahmed Gamal edited this page Aug 16, 2023 · 1 revision

first step SRS: software requirements specifications, this document

UI Flow may need some design (Figma, learn UI/UX). UI Flow will typically need a design not a description

Viewing in general is accessbile by all roles

fbo-aidx-vxv - Aug 13, 2023 - Google Jamboard

define shared components: text boxes, headers, footers,etc ….

delete screenshots for now, use your own designs

→ MVP :

  1. Visualization of roles, policies, and permissions
  2. implement dynamic(change roles in realtime) RBAC with GUI support
  3. Run tests after a saved accepted change
  4. ABAC: set of users with common attributes from the JWT, define in the data.json for example attributes, GUI support
  5. Policy Based: users can write their own policy code

User Stories / Use Cases

Name Access to the dashboard
Description Integrate SSO with the dashboard
User Type/Name Admins - Moderators
UI Flow Login - SSO only


  • Admin: has all the privileges, developer or non-developer
  • Moderator: POs or anyone related, generally a non-developer, generally read or view only
  • Developers: irrelevant for now

2nd document design document specifications: how to achieve use cases from an engineering pov both front and back

sequence and dataflow diagrams, data models for node server

# software requirements specifications

first step SRS: software requirements specifications, this document

UI Flow may need some design (Figma, learn UI/UX). UI Flow will typically need a design not a description

Viewing in general is accessbile by all roles

[fbo-aidx-vxv - Aug 13, 2023 - Google Jamboard](

define shared components: text boxes, headers, footers,etc ….

delete screenshots for now, use your own designs

→ MVP :

  1. Visualization of roles, policies, and permissions
  2. implement dynamic(change roles in realtime) RBAC with GUI support
  3. Run tests after a saved accepted change
  4. ABAC: set of users with common attributes from the JWT, define in the data.json for example attributes, GUI support
  5. Policy Based: users can write their own policy code

User Stories / Use Cases

Name Access to the dashboard
Description Integrate SSO with the dashboard
User Type/Name Admins - Moderators
UI Flow Login - SSO only


Name Display Roles
Description Need to implement a UI to properly display available roles and their descriptions
User Type Admins - Moderators
UI Flow Role Viewing


Name Display resources
Description Need to implement a UI to properly display available recourses and their scopes.
User Type/Name Developers, Admins and Moderator
UI Flow Resource Viewing - also shows actions and attributes


Name Display permission
Description Need to implement a UI to properly display available permissions and the involved roles and resources
User Type/Name Developers, Admins and Moderator
UI Flow Policy Editing - A table with resource scopes as rows and roles as columns with a checkbox


Name (Add Delete update) role
Description Need to implement a UI to properly (Add Delete update) role
User Type/Name Admins - Moderators
UI Flow Role Creation
Non-functional requirements Reflect change to the data store in real time in no more than 5 minutes


Name Add/Delete/Update Resource
User Type/Name Admins - Moderators
Description Need to implement a UI to properly (Add and Delete updated) resources
UI Flow Resource Creation
Non-functional requirements Reflect change to the data store in real time in no more than 5 minutes

Name (Add Delete update) scope (action)
Description Need to implement a UI to properly (Add Delete update) scope
User Type/Name Admins - Moderators
UI Flow New Action - Actions are linked to resources , and thus adding /updating an action will be accessible from the resources tab
Non-functional requirements Reflect change to the data store in real time in no more than 5 minutes

Name (Add Delete update) permission.
Description Need to implement a UI to properly (Add Delete update) permission
User Type/Name Admins - Moderators
UI Flow Policy Editing - Table is interactive, with checkboxes to add or delete permissions
Non-functional requirements Reflect change to the data store in real time in no more than 5 minutes


types of attributes:

  • resource(object) attributes
  • user(subject) attributes
  • action attributes
  • environment attributes


  • resource attributes
  • user attributes
  • user set: basically a complex role: for example clearance level > 5 AND years of experience > 3
  • resource set :

Possible approaches:

  1. the first approach is to implement ABAC without GUI support, by retrieving user attributes and environment attributes from the authentication token
    1. Do not store users in the node server accompanying OPA
    2. Only store policy rules and resource Attributes
  2. the second approach is to follow’s flow and implement user and resource sets, this will require thinking of a way to represent the relations as policy
Name (Add Delete update) attribute.
Description Need to implement a UI to properly (Add Delete update,) attribute
User Type/Name Admins - Moderators
UI Flow
Non-functional requirements Reflect change to the data store in real time in no more than 5 minutes
Name (Add Delete update) attribute to resources.
Description Need to implement a UI to properly
to map attribute to resources
User Type/Name Admins - Moderators
UI Flow
Non-functional requirements Reflect change to the data store in real time in no more than 5 minutes
Name change permission of the user based on the attributes.
Description Need to implement a UI to properly
to deny some user based on
(environment, user, resource) attributes
User Type/Name Admins - Moderators
UI Flow
Non-functional requirements Reflect change to the data store in real time in no more than 5 minutes

Name (Write edit delete) policy.
Description Need to implement a UI to properly (Add Delete update) policy
User Type/Name Admins - Moderators
UI Flow make something like an online IDE to write Rego code.
Non-functional requirements

Name Activity Log
Description We need to list the acitivity done by a certain user. May look into having the admin get a log of all users under him
User Type/Name Admins - Moderators
UI Flow Activity Log
Non-functional requirements


  • Admin: has all the privileges, developer or non-developer
  • Moderator: POs or anyone related, generally a non-developer, generally read or view only
  • Developers: irrelevant for now

2nd document design document specifications: how to achieve use cases from an engineering pov both front and back

sequence and dataflow diagrams, data models for node server