Dot provides an easy access to arrays of data with dot notation in a lightweight and fast way. Inspired by Laravel Collection.
Dot implements PHP's ArrayAccess interface and Dot object can also be used the same way as normal arrays with additional dot notation.
With Dot you can chage this regular array syntax:
$array['info']['home']['address'] = 'Kings Square';
echo $array['info']['home']['address'];
// Kings Square
to this (Dot object):
$dot->set('info.home.address', 'Kings Square');
echo $dot->get('info.home.address');
or even this (ArrayAccess):
$dot['info.home.address'] = 'Kings Square';
echo $dot['info.home.address'];
Install the latest version using Composer:
$ composer require adbario/php-dot-notation
Create a new Dot object:
$dot = new \Adbar\Dot;
// With existing array
$dot = new \Adbar\Dot($array);
You can also use a helper function to create the object:
$dot = dot();
// With existing array
$dot = dot($array);
Dot has the following methods:
- add()
- all()
- clear()
- count()
- delete()
- flatten()
- get()
- has()
- isEmpty()
- merge()
- pull()
- push()
- set()
- setArray()
- setReference()
- toJson()
Sets a given key / value pair if the key doesn't exist already:
$dot->add('', 'John');
// Equivalent vanilla PHP
if (!isset($array['user']['name'])) {
$array['user']['name'] = 'John';
Multiple key / value pairs:
'' => 'John',
'page.title' => 'Home'
Returns all the stored items as an array:
$values = $dot->all();
Deletes the contents of a given key (sets an empty array):
// Equivalent vanilla PHP
$array['user']['settings'] = [];
Multiple keys:
$dot->clear(['user.settings', 'app.config']);
All the stored items:
// Equivalent vanilla PHP
$array = [];
Returns the number of items in a given key:
Items in the root of Dot object:
// Or use coun() function as Dot implements Countable
Deletes the given key:
// ArrayAccess
// Equivalent vanilla PHP
Multiple keys:
Returns a flattened array with the keys delimited by a given character (default "."):
$flatten = $dot->flatten();
Returns the value of a given key:
echo $dot->get('');
// ArrayAccess
echo $dot[''];
// Equivalent vanilla PHP < 7.0
echo isset($array['user']['name']) ? $array['user']['name'] : null;
// Equivalent vanilla PHP >= 7.0
echo $array['user']['name'] ?? null;
Returns a given default value, if the given key doesn't exist:
echo $dot->get('', 'some default value');
Checks if a given key exists (returns boolean true or false):
// ArrayAccess
Multiple keys:
Checks if a given key is empty (returns boolean true or false):
// ArrayAccess
// Equivalent vanilla PHP
Multiple keys:
Checks the whole Dot object:
Merges a given array or another Dot object:
// Equivalent vanilla PHP
array_merge($originalArray, $array);
Merges a given array or another Dot object with the given key:
$dot->merge('user', $array);
// Equivalent vanilla PHP
array_merge($originalArray['user'], $array);
Returns the value of a given key and deletes the key:
echo $dot->pull('');
// Equivalent vanilla PHP < 7.0
echo isset($array['user']['name']) ? $array['user']['name'] : null;
// Equivalent vanilla PHP >= 7.0
echo $array['user']['name'] ?? null;
Returns a given default value, if the given key doesn't exist:
echo $dot->pull('', 'some default value');
Returns all the stored items as an array and clears the Dot object:
$items = $dot->pull();
Pushes a given value to the end of the array in a given key:
$dot->push('users', 'John');
// Equivalent vanilla PHP
$array['users'][] = 'John';
Pushes a given value to the end of the array:
// Equivalent vanilla PHP
$array[] = 'John';
Sets a given key / value pair:
$dot->set('', 'John');
// ArrayAccess
$dot[''] = 'John';
// Equivalent vanilla PHP
$array['user']['name'] = 'John';
Multiple key / value pairs:
'' => 'John',
'page.title' => 'Home'
Replaces all items in Dot object with a given array:
Replaces all items in Dot object with a given array as a reference and all future changes to Dot will be made directly to the original array:
Returns the value of a given key as JSON:
echo $dot->toJson('user');
Returns all the stored items as JSON:
echo $dot->toJson();