SLEAP v1.0.9
Minor version update with mostly small bug fixes. This is the last release in the 1.0.x series. SLEAP 1.1.x will contain a major overhaul of the inference module and updates to TensorFlow 2.3.
- Hotfix for #388.
- More docstrings and coverage.
- Hotfix for #389: Disable GPU memory preallocation during training by default.
- Add PAF magnitude visualization during training for bottom-up models.
- Validate skeleton for bottom-up models in the GUI before training (#354)
- Re-use empty GUI window when opening a new project.
- Fix part affinity field preview overlay.
- Fix track serialization bug when using Kalman filter.
Using Conda (Windows):
Create new environment sleap
conda create -n sleap -c sleap sleap=1.0.9
or to update inside an existing environment:
conda install -c sleap sleap=1.0.9
Using PyPI (Linux/Mac):
pip install sleap==1.0.9