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Matchine Engine for a Blockchain powered crypto currency exchange

This repository contains a full, commercial, production-ready code example, written as a home work for a Senior Scala Developer position in a Blockchain company.

This task mimics a simplistic virtual exchange, where multiple traders exchange multiple securities in real time.

Main requirements:

  • High speed, highly parallel operation
  • High code quality. Exchange should operate correctly and prove to be bug free
  • High type safety
  • High level of abstraction to guarantee a long product life time and a low mainteinance cost
  • High quality of implementation with modern libraries and abstractions
  • High code coverage. Should be > 99%

Task Spec Ru

Task Spec En

PS: When working with a really Bleeding Edge technology, be ready to debug library bugs as well. Submitted an issue in the ZIO lib, related to Stack Overflow in an Async Queue

Implementation details

I decided to build around ScalaZ, due to its extra type safety, performance, a wide number of type classes and a wide community support. The latest ScalaZ spinoff, the ZIO library by John De Goes, was chosen to implement effectful IO and concurrency model, building Fibers around ScalaZ type classes

Each trade can be abstracted as a Monoid with Ordering, since the customer ballance may be zero and the only operation is |+| (adding) either positive (sell side) or negative (buy side).

On every incoming order, the Matchine Engine should parse its input and fire a two separate execution Fibers in parallel.

The first Fiber executes a matching context optimistically, assuming that the input order is valid and the customer has enough funds/equity to submit this order. I call this an Execution fiber

The secod Fiber fires in parallel to check input order details and validate the customer eligibility to perform the trade. I call this a Control fiber

If checks are OK, the Control fiber joins and allows the Execution fiber to join and commit its results, too.

If for some reason the Control fiber fails, the Matching Engine tries to perform a partial matching to fullfil the buy/sell order to the maximum possible extent. The Matching Engine fires a Partial Execution fiber to do that job.

The Matching Engine handles input requsts from the Transactor and responds via an async ZIO Queue. If the Control fiber fails, it terminates a worker fiber immediately, tries to recover from the error via partial matching, and sends an update to the Response Queue with the matching result for the current order.


  1. Copy input data to /tmp
> cp ./src/main/resources/*.txt /tmp
  1. Explore all options
  1. Run all unit tests
> make test
  1. Run linter
> make lint
  1. Collect code coverage
> make cov



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