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Yuqing Tang [email protected] authored and Yuqing Tang [email protected] committed Sep 2, 2016
1 parent 7856ce2 commit ed162f0
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Showing 573 changed files with 31,661 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added NameInChinese.JPG
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Binary file added PDFs/bisdikian13frameworkusingtrust.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/kaplan13reasoningunderuncertainty.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/meneguzzi10representingplanningdomains.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/meneguzzi11approachtogenerate.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/pan06LinkingTPR1DPR1.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/pan08Additivepreconditioningand.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/pan08Eigen-solvingviareduction.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/parsons08analysisofrecorded.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/parsons11argumentation-basedreasoningin.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/parsons11somethoughtsusing.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/sensoy13reasoningaboutuncertain.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/smart14towardscognitivelyrealistic.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/smart14usingcognitivearchitectures.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/sycara2015abstractionanalyticalmodels.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang06agent-basedmodelingof.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang06modelinghumaneducation.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang06usingargumentation-baseddialogues.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang07agent-basedmodelthat.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang07agent-basedmodelthata.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang08agent-baseddialoguesto.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang08dialoguemechanismpublic.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang09mdpmodelplanning.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang09modelintegratingdialogue.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang09towardsimplementationof.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang10computingargumentationin.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang10integratingmultiagentdialogues.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang10learningtocommunicate.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang10systemofargumentation.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang11planningovermdps.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang11probabilistichierarchicalplanning.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang12argumentationengineargtrust.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang12towardsargumentationwith.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang12towardspresentingrelevant.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang12usingargumentationto.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang13dempstershaferargument.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang14argumentationrandomfield.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang2015cognitiveandprobabilistic.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang2016informationsharingcollective.pdf
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Binary file added PDFs/tang2016markovargumentationrandom.pdf
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Binary file added agent-sepia-w80.gif
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37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions agentslab.htm
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Binary file added bclogo-w100.gif
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565 changes: 565 additions & 0 deletions bibtex/tang-agents.bib

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% This file was created with JabRef 2.10b2.
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Title = {Additive preconditioning and aggregation in matrix computations},
Author = {Victor Y. Pan and Dmitriy Ivolgin and Brian Murphy and Rhys Eric Rosholt and Islam Taj-Eddin and Yuqing Tang and Xiaodong Yan},
Journal = {Computers and Mathematics with Applications},
Year = {2008},
Number = {8},
Pages = {1870--1886},
Volume = {55},

Address = {Tarrytown, NY, USA},
B2h_pubtype = {Journal},
B2h_rescat = {Matrix Eigen Solving and Polynomial Root-findings},
Doi = {10.1016/j.camwa.2004.03.022},
ISSN = {0898-1221},
Owner = {tang},
Publisher = {Pergamon Press, Inc.},
Timestamp = {2008.08.18}

Title = {Additive preconditioning in matrix computations},
Author = {Victor Y. Pan and Dmitriy Ivolgin and Brian Murphy and Rhys Eric Rosholt and Islam Taj-Eddin and Yuqing Tang and Xiaodong Yan},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third International Computer Science Symposium},
Year = {2008},

B2h_nopdf = {true},
B2h_pubtype = {Refereed Workshop and Symposium},
B2h_rescat = {Matrix Eigen Solving and Polynomial Root-findings},
Owner = {tang},
Timestamp = {2008.08.18}

Title = {Real root-finding},
Author = {Victor Y. Pan and Dmitriy Ivolgin and Brian Murphy and Rhys Eric Rosholt and Yuqing Tang and Xinmao Wang and Xiaodong Yan},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric Computation},
Year = {2007},
Editor = {Stephen M. Watt and Jan Verschelde},
Month = {July},
Pages = {161-169},
Publisher = {ACM},

B2h_nopdf = {true},
B2h_pubtype = {Refereed Workshop and Symposium},
B2h_rescat = {Matrix Eigen Solving and Polynomial Root-findings},
Bibsource = {DBLP,},
Ee = {},
Owner = {tang},
Timestamp = {2008.08.18}

Title = {Linking the {TPR1}, {DPR1} and {A}rrow-head {M}atrix {S}tructures},
Author = {Victor Y. Pan and Mikhail Kunin and Brian Murphy and Rhys Eric Rosholt and Yuqing Tang and Xiaodong Yan and Wenbo Cao},
Journal = {Computers and Mathematics with Applications},
Year = {2006},

Month = {November-December},
Number = {10-11},
Pages = {1603-1608},
Volume = {52},

B2h_pubtype = {Journal},
B2h_rescat = {Matrix Eigen Solving and Polynomial Root-findings},
Doi = {10.1016/j.camwa.2005.04.020},
Owner = {tang},
Timestamp = {2008.08.18}

Title = {Root-finding with {E}igen-solving},
Author = {Victor Y. Pan and Brian Murphy and Rhys Eric Rosholt and Guoliang Qian and Yuqing Tang},
Booktitle = {Symbolic-Numeric Computation},
Year = {2007},
Editor = {Dongming Wang and Lihong Zhi},
Pages = {185-210},

B2h_nopdf = {true},
B2h_pubtype = {Book Chapter},
B2h_rescat = {Matrix Eigen Solving and Polynomial Root-findings},
Journal = {Symbolic-Numeric Computation},
Owner = {tang},
Timestamp = {2008.08.18}

Title = {Eigen-solving via reduction to {DPR1} matrices},
Author = {Victor Y. Pan and Brian Murphy and Rhys Eric Rosholt and Yuqing Tang and Xinmao Wang and Ailong Zheng},
Journal = {Computers and Mathematics with Applications},
Year = {2008},
Number = {1},
Pages = {166--171},
Volume = {56},

Address = {Tarrytown, NY, USA},
B2h_pubtype = {Journal},
B2h_rescat = {Matrix Eigen Solving and Polynomial Root-findings},
Doi = {10.1016/j.camwa.2007.09.012},
ISSN = {0898-1221},
Owner = {tang},
Publisher = {Pergamon Press, Inc.},
Timestamp = {2008.08.19}

@comment{jabref-meta: selector_publisher:}

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@comment{jabref-meta: selector_journal:}

@comment{jabref-meta: selector_keywords:}

116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions bibtex/tang-others.bib.bak
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@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
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Title = {Additive preconditioning and aggregation in matrix computations},
Author = {Victor Y. Pan and Dmitriy Ivolgin and Brian Murphy and Rhys Eric Rosholt and Islam Taj-Eddin and Yuqing Tang and Xiaodong Yan},
Journal = {Computers and Mathematics with Applications},
Year = {2008},
Number = {8},
Pages = {1870--1886},
Volume = {55},

Address = {Tarrytown, NY, USA},
B2h_pubtype = {Journal},
B2h_rescat = {Matrix Eigen Solving and Polynomial Root-findings},
Doi = {10.1016/j.camwa.2004.03.022},
ISSN = {0898-1221},
Owner = {tang},
Publisher = {Pergamon Press, Inc.},
Timestamp = {2008.08.18}

Title = {Additive preconditioning in matrix computations},
Author = {Victor Y. Pan and Dmitriy Ivolgin and Brian Murphy and Rhys Eric Rosholt and Islam Taj-Eddin and Yuqing Tang and Xiaodong Yan},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third International Computer Science Symposium},
Year = {2008},

B2h_nopdf = {true},
B2h_pubtype = {Refereed Workshop and Symposium},
B2h_rescat = {Matrix Eigen Solving and Polynomial Root-findings},
Owner = {tang},
Timestamp = {2008.08.18}

Title = {Real root-finding},
Author = {Victor Y. Pan and Dmitriy Ivolgin and Brian Murphy and Rhys Eric Rosholt and Yuqing Tang and Xinmao Wang and Xiaodong Yan},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Symbolic-Numeric Computation},
Year = {2007},
Editor = {Stephen M. Watt and Jan Verschelde},
Month = {July},
Pages = {161-169},
Publisher = {ACM},

B2h_nopdf = {true},
B2h_pubtype = {Refereed Workshop and Symposium},
B2h_rescat = {Matrix Eigen Solving and Polynomial Root-findings},
Bibsource = {DBLP,},
Ee = {},
Owner = {tang},
Timestamp = {2008.08.18}

Title = {Linking the {TPR1}, {DPR1} and {A}rrow-head {M}atrix {S}tructures},
Author = {Victor Y. Pan and Mikhail Kunin and Brian Murphy and Rhys Eric Rosholt and Yuqing Tang and Xiaodong Yan and Wenbo Cao},
Journal = {Computers and Mathematics with Applications},
Year = {2006},

Month = {November-December},
Number = {10-11},
Pages = {1603-1608},
Volume = {52},

B2h_pubtype = {Journal},
B2h_rescat = {Matrix Eigen Solving and Polynomial Root-findings},
Doi = {10.1016/j.camwa.2005.04.020},
Owner = {tang},
Timestamp = {2008.08.18}

Title = {Root-finding with {E}igen-solving},
Author = {Victor Y. Pan and Brian Murphy and Rhys Eric Rosholt and Guoliang Qian and Yuqing Tang},
Booktitle = {Symbolic-Numeric Computation},
Year = {2007},
Editor = {Dongming Wang and Lihong Zhi},
Pages = {185-210},

B2h_nopdf = {true},
B2h_pubtype = {Book Chapter},
B2h_rescat = {Matrix Eigen Solving and Polynomial Root-findings},
Journal = {Symbolic-Numeric Computation},
Owner = {tang},
Timestamp = {2008.08.18}

Title = {Eigen-solving via reduction to {DPR1} matrices},
Author = {Victor Y. Pan and Brian Murphy and Rhys Eric Rosholt and Yuqing Tang and Xinmao Wang and Ailong Zheng},
Journal = {Computers and Mathematics with Applications},
Year = {2008},
Number = {1},
Pages = {166--171},
Volume = {56},

Address = {Tarrytown, NY, USA},
B2h_pubtype = {Journal},
B2h_rescat = {Matrix Eigen Solving and Polynomial Root-findings},
Doi = {10.1016/j.camwa.2007.09.012},
ISSN = {0898-1221},
Owner = {tang},
Publisher = {Pergamon Press, Inc.},
Timestamp = {2008.08.19}

@comment{jabref-meta: selector_publisher:}

@comment{jabref-meta: selector_author:}

@comment{jabref-meta: selector_journal:}

@comment{jabref-meta: selector_keywords:}

Binary file added cmu_logo.gif
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To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
and open the template in the editor.
Created on : Jul 1, 2014, 3:27:22 PM
Author : Yuqing Tang <[email protected]>


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<h2>A short CV </h2>
<li>February 2012 - present
Postdoctoral research fellow, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.
<li>September 2002 - January 2012
Research Assistant, Doctoral Program in Computer Science, the Graduate

School and University Center of the City University of New York.

<li>September 2010 - December 2010
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Computer and Information Science

at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York.

</li><li>June 2009 - August 2009
Research Intern, IBM Research Lab.

</li><li>July 2006 - August 2006
Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Computer and Information Science

at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York.

</li><li>June 2005 - August 2005
Graduate Assistant, New York State Banking Department.

</li><li>March 2001 - August 2002
Software Engineer, Billion Online INT'LTD (China).

</li><li>January 2000 - January 2001
Senior Software Engineer, Vinside Information Technology INC


</li><li>June 1999 - December 2000
Research Programmer, Shenzhen University (China).

[<a href="cv.pdf">A long CV in PDF</a>]


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Binary file added cv.pdf
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