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File metadata and controls

529 lines (452 loc) · 27.9 KB

Command line usage is the unique entry point for CARS command line usage. It enables two main steps : prepare and compute_dsm described in the following sections.

usage: <command> [<args>]

The commands are:
   prepare                  Preparation for compute_dsm producing stereo-rectification
                            grid as well as an estimate of the disparity to explore.
   compute_dsm              Tile-based, concurent resampling in epipolar geometry, disparity
                            estimation, triangulation and rasterization

Prepare DSM production

The prepare part will perform the following steps:

  1. Compute the stereo-rectification grids of the input pair's images
  2. Compute sift matches between the left and right images in epipolar geometry
  3. Derive an optimal disparity range from the matches
  4. Derive a bilinear correction model of the right image's stereo-rectification grid in order to minimize the epipolar error
  5. Apply the estimated correction to the right grid
  6. Export the left and corrected right grids

Command Description

usage: prepare [-h]
                         [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}]
                         [--epi_step EPI_STEP]
                         [--disparity_margin DISPARITY_MARGIN]
                         [--epipolar_error_upper_bound EPIPOLAR_ERROR_UPPER_BOUND]
                         [--epipolar_error_maximum_bias EPIPOLAR_ERROR_MAXIMUM_BIAS]
                         [--elevation_delta_lower_bound ELEVATION_DELTA_LOWER_BOUND]
                         [--elevation_delta_upper_bound ELEVATION_DELTA_UPPER_BOUND]
                         [--mode {dask,local}] [--nb_workers NB_WORKERS]
                         [--walltime WALLTIME] [--check_inputs]
                         injson outdir

positional arguments:
  injson                Input json file
  outdir                Output directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                      Logger level (default: INFO. Should be one of DEBUG,
                      INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL)
  --epi_step EPI_STEP   Step of the deformation grid in nb. of pixels
                      (default: 30, should be > 1)
  --disparity_margin DISPARITY_MARGIN
                      Add a margin to min and max disparity as percent of
                      the disparity range (default: 0.02, should be in range
  --epipolar_error_upper_bound EPIPOLAR_ERROR_UPPER_BOUND
                      Expected upper bound for epipolar error in pixels
                      (default: 10, should be > 0)
  --epipolar_error_maximum_bias EPIPOLAR_ERROR_MAXIMUM_BIAS
                      Maximum bias for epipolar error in pixels (default: 0,
                      should be >= 0)
  --elevation_delta_lower_bound ELEVATION_DELTA_LOWER_BOUND
                      Expected lower bound for elevation delta with respect
                      to input low resolution DTM in meters (default: -1000)
  --elevation_delta_upper_bound ELEVATION_DELTA_UPPER_BOUND
                      Expected upper bound for elevation delta with respect
                      to input low resolution DTM in meters (default: 1000)
  --mode {pbs_dask,local_dask}   Parallelization mode
  --nb_workers NB_WORKERS
                      Number of workers (default:8, should be > 0)
  --walltime WALLTIME   Walltime for one worker (default: 00:59:00, should be
                        formatted as HH:MM:SS)
  --check_inputs        Check inputs consistency

Command line usage:

$ prepare preproc_input.json outdir

Input json file

The prepare input file (preproc_input.json) file is formatted as follows:

    "img1" : "/tmp/cars/tests/data/input/phr_reunion/left_image.tif",
    "color1" : "/tmp/cars/tests/data/input/phr_reunion/left_image.tif",
    "img2" : "/tmp/cars/tests/data/input/phr_reunion/right_image.tif",
    "mask1" : "/tmp/cars/tests/data/input/phr_reunion/left_mask.tif",
    "mask2" : "/tmp/cars/tests/data/input/phr_reunion/right_mask.tif",
    "srtm_dir" : "/tmp/cars/tests/data/input/phr_reunion/srtm",
    "nodata1": 0,
    "nodata2": 0

The mandatory fields of the input json file are:

  • The img1 and img2 fields contain the paths to the images forming the pair.
  • The srtm_dir field contains the path to the folder in which are located the srtm tiles covering the production.
  • nodata1 : no data value of the image 1.
  • nodata2 : no data value of the image 2.

The other optional fields of the input json file are:

  • mask1 : external mask of the image 1 (convention: 0 is a valid pixel, other values indicate data to ignore)
  • mask2 : external mask of the image 2 (convention: 0 is a valid pixel, other values indicate data to ignore)
  • color1 : image stackable to img1 used to create an ortho-image corresponding to the produced DSM. This image can be composed of XS bands in which case a PAN+XS fusion will be performed.

Input parameters

Some optional parameters of the command line impact the matching:

  • epi_step parameter : step of the epipolar grid to compute (in pixels in epipolar geometry).
  • disparity_margin parameter : Add a margin to min and max disparity as percent of the disparity range.
  • epipolar_error_upper_bound parameter: expected epipolar error upper bound (in pixels).
  • epipolar_error_maximum_bias parameter: value added to the vertical margins for the matching. If this parameter is different to zero then the shift produced by an potential bias on the geometrical models is compensated by taking into account the median shift computed from the img1 and img2 matches.
  • elevation_delta_lower_bound parameter: expected lower bound of the altitude discrepancy with the input DEM (in meters).
  • elevation_delta_upper_bound parameter: expected upper bound of the altitude discrepancy with the input DEM (in meters).

During its execution, this program creates a distributed dask cluster (except if the mode option is different than pbs_dask or local_dask). In the logs, an internet address is displayed. It can be opened with firefox and displays a dashboard which enables to follow the tasks' execution in real time. The parameters nb_workers and walltime configures respectively dask cluster workers number and the maximum time of execution. prepare has also a --check_inputs option which enables the check of the input data consistency, it is to say that:

  • img1 and img2 only have one band, are readable with the OTB and have a RPC model. It is also checked that the data seem to be in the sensor geometry (positive pixel size).
  • mask1 has the same size as img1 and, as well, that mask2 has the same size as img2.
  • the ground intersection zone between img1 and img2 is not empty.
  • the srtm given in input covers the ground intersection zone of img1 and img2. For information purposes, if it is not equal to 100%, the coverage ratio of the dem with respect to the useful zone is given in the logs.

By default this option is deactivated because it can be potentially time-consuming.

Input images

To generate the images in epipolar geometry from the grids computed by cars and the original images, one can refer to the Orfeo Toolbox documentation here .

Output contents

After its execution, the outdir folder contains the following elements:

ls outdir/
yy-MM-dd_HHhmmm_prepare.log  dask_log                     left_envelope.dbf  left_envelope.shp  left_epipolar_grid.tif  matches.npy      right_envelope.dbf  right_envelope.shp  right_epipolar_grid.tif
content.json                 envelopes_intersection.gpkg  left_envelope.prj  left_envelope.shx     raw_matches.npy  right_envelope.prj  right_envelope.shx  right_epipolar_grid_uncorrected.tif

The content.json file lists the generated files and some numerical elements:

  "input": {
    "img1": "/tmp/cars/tests/data/input/phr_ventoux/img1.tif",
    "img2": "/tmp/cars/tests/data/input/phr_ventoux/img2.tif",
    "srtm_dir": "/tmp/cars/tests/data/input/phr_ventoux/srtm",
    "nodata1": 0,
    "nodata2": 0
  "preprocessing": {
    "version": "master//xxx",
    "parameters": {
      "epi_step": 30,
      "disparity_margin": 0.02,
      "epipolar_error_upper_bound": 10.0,
      "epipolar_error_maximum_bias": 0.0,
      "elevation_delta_lower_bound": -1000.0,
      "elevation_delta_upper_bound": 1000.0
    "static_parameters": {
      "sift": {
        "matching_threshold": 0.6,
        "n_octave": 8,
        "n_scale_per_octave": 3,
        "dog_threshold": 20.0,
        "edge_threshold": 5.0,
        "magnification": 2.0,
        "back_matching": true
      "low_res_dsm": {
        "low_res_dsm_resolution_in_degree": 0.000277777777778,
        "lowres_dsm_min_sizex": 100,
        "lowres_dsm_min_sizey": 100,
        "low_res_dsm_ext": 3,
        "low_res_dsm_order": 3
    "output": {
      "left_envelope": "left_envelope.shp",
      "right_envelope": "right_envelope.shp",
      "envelopes_intersection": "envelopes_intersection.gpkg",
      "envelopes_intersection_bounding_box": [
      "epipolar_size_x": 2407,
      "epipolar_size_y": 2510,
      "epipolar_origin_x": 0.0,
      "epipolar_origin_y": 0.0,
      "epipolar_spacing_x": 30.0,
      "epipolar_spacing_y": 30.0,
      "disp_to_alt_ratio": 2.5305049217664437,
      "raw_matches": "raw_matches.npy",
      "left_epipolar_grid": "left_epipolar_grid.tif",
      "right_epipolar_grid": "right_epipolar_grid.tif",
      "right_epipolar_uncorrected_grid": "right_epipolar_grid_uncorrected.tif",
      "minimum_disparity": -8.873300104758348,
      "maximum_disparity": 2.2324556746626323,
      "matches": "matches.npy",
      "lowres_dsm": "",
      "lowres_initial_dem": "",
      "lowres_elevation_difference": "",
      "corrected_lowres_dsm_from_matches": "",
      "corrected_lowres_elevation_diff": ""

The other files are:

  • left_epipolar_grid.tif : left image epipolar grid
  • right_epipolar_grid.tif : right image epipolar grid with correction
  • left_envelope.shp : left image envelope
  • right_envelope.shp : right image envelope
  • envelopes_intersection.gpkg : intersection of the right and left images' envelopes
  • ground_positions_grid.tif : image with the same geometry as the epipolar grid and for which each point has for value the ground position (lat/lon) of the corresponding point in the epipolar grid
  • matches.npy : matches list after filtering
  • raw_matches.npy : initial matches list
  • : low resolution DSM computed from the matches
  • : difference between the low resolution DSM computed from the matches and the initial DEM in input of the prepare step
  • : initial DEM in input of the prepare step corresponding to the two images envelopes' intersection zone
  • : Corrected low resolution DSM from matches if low resolution DSM is large enough (minimum size is 100x100)
  • : difference between the initial DEM in input of the prepare step and the corrected low resolution DSM. if low resolution DSM is large enough (minimum size is 100x100)

DSM production with compute_dsm

Once the prepare preprocessing step is done, the compute_dsm program will be in charge of:

  1. resampling the images pairs in epipolar geometry (corrected one for the right image) by using SRTM in order to reduce the disparity intervals to explore,
  2. correlating the images pairs in epipolar geometry
  3. triangulating the sights and get for each point of the reference image a latitude, longitude, altitude point
  4. filtering the 3D points cloud via two consecutive filters. The first one removes the small groups of 3D points. The second filters the points which have the most scattered neighbors. Those two filters are activated by default.
  5. projecting these altitudes on a regular grid as well as the associated color

Command Description

usage: compute_dsm [-h]
                               [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}]
                               [--sigma SIGMA] [--dsm_radius DSM_RADIUS]
                               [--resolution RESOLUTION] [--epsg EPSG]
                               [--roi [ROI [ROI ...]]]
                               [--mode {pbs_dask,local_dask,mp}]
                               [--nb_workers NB_WORKERS] [--walltime WALLTIME]
                               [--dsm_no_data DSM_NO_DATA]
                               [--color_no_data COLOR_NO_DATA]
                               [--corr_config CORR_CONFIG]
                               [--min_elevation_offset MIN_ELEVATION_OFFSET]
                               [--max_elevation_offset MAX_ELEVATION_OFFSET]
                               [--output_stats] [--use_geoid_as_alt_ref]
                               [--use_sec_disp] [--snap_to_left_image]
                               [injsons [injsons ...]] outdir

positional arguments:
  injsons               Input json files
  outdir                Output directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Logger level (default: INFO. Should be one of DEBUG,
                        INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL)
  --sigma SIGMA         Sigma for rasterization in fraction of pixels
                        (default: None, should be >= 0)
  --dsm_radius DSM_RADIUS
                        Radius for rasterization in pixels (default: 1, should
                        be >= 0)
  --resolution RESOLUTION
                        Digital Surface Model resolution (default: 0.5, should
                        be > 0)
  --epsg EPSG           EPSG code (default: None, should be > 0)
  --roi [ROI [ROI ...]]
                        DSM ROI in final projection [xmin ymin xmax ymax] (it
                        has to be in final projection) or DSM ROI file (vector
                        file or image which footprint will be taken as ROI).
  --mode {pbs_dask,local_dask,mp}
                        Parallelization mode
  --nb_workers NB_WORKERS
                        Number of workers (default: 8, should be > 0)
  --walltime WALLTIME   Walltime for one worker (default: 00:59:00, should be
                        formatted as HH:MM:SS)
  --dsm_no_data DSM_NO_DATA
                        No data value to use in the final DSM file (default:
  --color_no_data COLOR_NO_DATA
                        No data value to use in the final color image
                        (default: 0)
  --corr_config CORR_CONFIG
                        Correlator config (json file)
  --min_elevation_offset MIN_ELEVATION_OFFSET
                        Override minimum disparity from prepare step with this
                        offset in meters
  --max_elevation_offset MAX_ELEVATION_OFFSET
                        Override maximum disparity from prepare step with this
                        offset in meters
  --output_stats        Outputs dsm as a netCDF file embedding quality
                        Use geoid grid as altimetric reference.
  --use_sec_disp        Use the points cloud generated from the secondary
                        disparity map.
  --snap_to_left_image  This mode can be used if all pairs share the same left
                        image. In that case it will modify lines of sights of
                        secondary images so that they all cross those of the
                        reference image.
                        If this mode is used, during triangulation, points
                        will be corrected using the estimated correction from
                        the prepare step in order to align 3D points with the
                        low resolution initial DEM.
                        This mode deactivates the points cloud filtering of
                        small components.
                        This mode deactivates the points cloud filtering of
                        statistical outliers.

Input json file

This program takes as input a json file (or a list of N json files in the case of a N images pairs processing) which corresponds to the content.json file generated at the prepare step (cf. above). Its output is the path to the folder which will contain the results of the stereo, that is to say the dsm.tif (regular grid of altitudes) and the clr.tif (corresponding color) files.

Input parameters

Some optional parameters enable to modify the regular grid:

  • sigma: controls the influence radius of each point of the cloud during the rasterization

  • dsm_radius: number of pixel rings to take into account in order to define the altitude of the current pixel

  • resolution: altitude grid step (dsm)

  • epsg: epsg code used for the cloud projection. If not set by the user, the more appropriate UTM zone will be retrieved automatically

  • roi: final dsm ROI. If the ROI is given by a float quadruplet, they have to already be in the final geometry. If the ROI is given by a vector file, or an image, the conversion to the final geometry will be performed automatically.

    • example with a quadruplet: compute_dsm content.json outdir/ --roi 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
  • dsm_no_data: no data value of the final dsm

  • color_no_data: no data value of the final color ortho-image

  • corr: correlator to use ('pandora' (version V1.B))

  • corr_config: correlator's configuration file (for pandora)

  • min_elevation_offset: minimum offset in meter to use for the correlation. This parameter is converted in minimum of disparity using the disp_to_alt_ratio computed in the prepare step.

  • max_elevation_offset: maximum offset in meter to use for the correlation. This parameter is converted in maximum of disparity using the disp_to_alt_ratio computed in the prepare step.

  • use_geoid_as_alt_ref: controls the altimetric reference used to compute altitudes. If activated, the function uses the geoid file defined by the `OTB_GEOID_FILE` environment variable.

  • use_sec_disp : enables to use the secondary disparity map to densify the 3D points cloud.

  • snap_to_left_image : each 3D point is snapped to line of sight from left reference image (instead of using mid-point). This increases the coherence between several pairs if left image is the same image for all pairs.

  • align_with_lowres_dem: During prepare step, a cubic splines correction is computed so as to align DSM from a pair with the initial low resolution DEM. If this mode is used, the correction estimated for each pair is applied. This will increases coherency between pairs and with the initial low resolution DEM.

  • disable_cloud_small_components_filter: Deactivate the filtering of small 3D points groups. The filtered groups are composed of less than 50 points, the distance between two "linked" points is less than 3.

  • disable_cloud_statistical_outliers_filter: Deactivate the statistical filtering of the 3D points. For this filter the examined statistic is the mean distance of each point to its 50 nearest neighbors. The filtered points have a mean distance superior than this statistic's mean + 5 * this statistic's standard deviation.

DASK parameters

As the prepare part, During its execution, this program creates a distributed dask cluster (except if the mode option is different than pbs_dask or local_dask). In the logs, an internet address is displayed. It can be opened with firefox and displays a dashboard which enables to follow the tasks execution in real time. The following parameters can be used : * mode: parallelisation mode (pbs_dask, local_dask or mp for multiprocessing) * nb_workers: number of nodes to use for the computation * walltime: nodes' allocation time

To know the number of used cores, the program rests on the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable. In intern, the tile size is estimated from the value of the OTB_MAX_RAM_HINT variable (expressed in MB) times the memory amount reserved for a node, it is to say OMP_NUM_THREADS x 5 Gb. For a production at full image scale (or using several images), it is recommended that OTB_MAX_RAM_HINT is set to a value high enough to fill the allocated resources. For example, for OMP_NUM_THREADS=8, the allocated memory for a node is set to 20Gb, thus the OTB_MAX_RAM_HINT can be set to 10 000. A low value of OTB_MAX_RAM_HINT leads to a higher number of generated tiles and an under-consumption of the allocated resources.

Other environment variables can impact the dask execution on the cluster:

  • CARS_NB_WORKERS_PER_PBS_JOB: defines the number of workers that are started for each PBS job (set to 2 by default)
  • CARS_PBS_QUEUE: enables to turn to another queue than the standard one (dev for example)
  • OPJ_NUM_THREADS, NUMBA_NUM_THREADS and GDAL_NUM_THREADS are exported on each job (all set by default to the same value as OMP_NUM_THREADS, it is to say 4)

The nodes on which the computations are performed should be able to handle the opening of several files at once. In the other case, some "Too many open files" errors can happen. It is then recommended to launch the command again on nodes which have a higher opened files limit.

Output contents

The output folder contains a content.json file, the computed dsm and the color ortho-image (if the color1 field is not set in the input configuration file then the img1 is used).

$ ls
clr.tif  content.json  dask_log  dsm.tif

If the --output_stats is activated, the output directory will contain tiff images corresponding to different statistics computed during the rasterization.

$ ls
clr.tif  content.json  dask_log  dsm_mean.tif  dsm_n_pts.tif  dsm_pts_in_cell.tif  dsm_std.tif  dsm.tif

Those statistics are:

  • The number of 3D points used to compute each cell (dsm_n_pts.tif)
  • The elevations' mean of the 3D points used to compute each cell (dsm_mean.tif)
  • The elevations' standard deviation of the 3D points used to compute each cell (dsm_std.tif)
  • The number of 3D points strictly contained in each cell (dsm_pts_in_cell.tif)

Once the computation is done, the output folder also contains a content.json file describing the folder's content and reminding the complete history of the production.

  "input_configurations": [
      "input": {
        "img1": "/tmp/cars/tests/data/input/phr_ventoux/left_image.tif",
        "img2": "/tmp/cars/tests/data/input/phr_ventoux/right_image.tif",
        "srtm_dir": "/tmp/cars/tests/data/input/phr_ventoux/srtm",
        "nodata1": 0,
        "nodata2": 0
      "preprocessing": {
        "version": "master//xxx",
        "parameters": {
          "epi_step": 30,
          "disparity_margin": 0.02,
          "epipolar_error_upper_bound": 10.0,
          "epipolar_error_maximum_bias": 0.0,
          "elevation_delta_lower_bound": -1000.0,
          "elevation_delta_upper_bound": 1000.0
        "static_parameters": {
          "sift": {
            "matching_threshold": 0.6,
            "n_octave": 8,
            "n_scale_per_octave": 3,
            "dog_threshold": 20.0,
            "edge_threshold": 5.0,
            "magnification": 2.0,
            "back_matching": true
          "low_res_dsm": {
            "low_res_dsm_resolution_in_degree": 0.000277777777778,
            "lowres_dsm_min_sizex": 100,
            "lowres_dsm_min_sizey": 100,
            "low_res_dsm_ext": 3,
            "low_res_dsm_order": 3
        "output": {
          "left_envelope": "/tmp/left_envelope.shp",
          "right_envelope": "/tmp/right_envelope.shp",
          "envelopes_intersection": "/tmp/envelopes_intersection.gpkg",
          "envelopes_intersection_bounding_box": [
          "epipolar_size_x": 2407,
          "epipolar_size_y": 2510,
          "epipolar_origin_x": 0.0,
          "epipolar_origin_y": 0.0,
          "epipolar_spacing_x": 30.0,
          "epipolar_spacing_y": 30.0,
          "disp_to_alt_ratio": 2.5305049217664437,
          "raw_matches": "/tmp/raw_matches.npy",
          "left_epipolar_grid": "/tmp/left_epipolar_grid.tif",
          "right_epipolar_grid": "/tmp/right_epipolar_grid.tif",
          "right_epipolar_uncorrected_grid": "/tmp/right_epipolar_grid_uncorrected.tif",
          "minimum_disparity": -8.873300104758348,
          "maximum_disparity": 2.2324556746626323,
          "matches": "/tmp/matches.npy",
          "lowres_dsm": "/tmp/",
          "lowres_initial_dem": "/tmp/",
          "lowres_elevation_difference": "/tmp/"
  "stereo": {
    "version": "master//xxx",
    "parameters": {
      "resolution": 0.30000001192092896,
      "sigma": null,
      "dsm_radius": 1,
      "epsg": 32721
    "static_parameters": {
      "rasterization": {
        "grid_points_division_factor": null
      "cloud_filtering": {
        "small_components": {
          "on_ground_margin": 10,
          "connection_distance": 3.0,
          "nb_points_threshold": 50,
          "clusters_distance_threshold": null,
          "removed_elt_mask": false,
          "mask_value": 255
    "output": {
      "altimetric_reference": "ellipsoid",
      "epsg": 32721,
      "dsm": "dsm.tif",
      "dsm_no_data": -32768.0,
      "color_no_data": 0.0,
      "color": "clr.tif"