The data presented in social media can be very important and useful to complete the picture or to create a more powerful Machine learning Model. For this creating a platform that can manage all of this can be a really good idea.
To install and run the project it's relatively very easy. You just need to execute the docker-compose.yml
git clone
cd social_media_scraper
docker-compose up
And with this you are ready to go.
When you finish creating the enviorement you can access the swagger API to test the app.
Swagger-ui :
Here also the kibana url to be able to query data and even creating charts and dashboards with no code. We choose elasticsearch as our database because it's a full text search engine and will enable us to search inside the texts.
Kibana :
In order to test our methods we make use of the package unittest
docker exec -it fastapi python tests/test_*.py