backup files necessary to create good Latex Docs using LyX
How Does it help:
I have created this repository to backup my work on settings used for various lyx docs.
1. Creating a bib style file (.bst).
Refence in latex files are tricky. I have created takh_JCB.bst
2. How to use .bst style file in the lyx.
.bst if the style file for refernce or bibliography. add this bst file to your
library. as i have done for mine:
$sudo cp ./takh_JCB.bst /usr/share/texmf-texlive/bibtex/bst/harvard/
$sudo texhash (update your library)
Now go to lyx and right click on bibligraphy section (at the bottom).Rescan the
database of style. Now select your copied bst (takh_JCB).
3. Removing bordered hyperlink from document citation cross reference.
Add following to your lyx preamble: