Simple Atlassian CROWD authentication backend for Django with SSO support
Put a CROWD configuration in your
'url': 'http://your.crowd.url:port/crowd/rest', # your CROWD rest API url
'app_name': 'your-registered-crowd-application-name', # appname, registered with CROWD
'password': 'application-password', # correct password for provided appname
'superuser': False, # if True makes CROWD-imported users superusers
'staffuser': False, # if True makes CROWD-imported users staffuser
'validation':'', # The ipaddress the Crowd server is responding to
'sso': False, # TRurn on SSO
'blocked_creation_domains': [''], # Domains not allowed to be created in the local db
'crowd_group': 'CrowdUser', # Group that all imported users are placed in
'DTS_not_use_public_schema': False # If DTS is installed don't save users and groups in Public schema
Add crowd.CrowdBackend
settings list.
Put it first so that password are only kept in CROWD:
Add crowd.middleware.CrowdMiddleware
to the Middleware
AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS list to make sure you always start with crowd authentication before falling over to a local account.
simple test:
Tox test:
test currently does not cover the SSO
Version 0.57
Added support for Django Tenant Schema (django-tenant-schemas) Will create crowd_group in the public schema if DTS is installed, unless setting NotPublicSchema == True
Version 0.56
Add users "Pulled" from crowd to the group defined in crowd_group, default "CrowdUser" New setting 'disallowed_creation_domains': ['']
New For version 0.52
Added disallowed emails to the import first version hardcoded, will be a setting in future
any email with but not in crowd will be in the disallowed list
example of use
- User with email [email protected] is already user 'a' in the local db as a django created user
- User with email [email protected] is already user 'b' in the local db as a imported user from Crowd
- User with email [email protected] is no already user in the local db but exists in Crowd so it will be imported as user 'c'
- User with email [email protected] is not in local db nor in Crowd
- User with email [email protected] has a domain that is on the disallowed list
from crowd.backends import import_users_from_email_list
emails = ["[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]","[email protected]"]
added_or_found, not_found, not_alowed = import_users_from_email_list(emails)
Resulting printout:
['[email protected]']
['[email protected]']
Originally written for Django v1.3 by Konstantin J. Volkov [email protected] at 12.07.2012
Refactored, put together and tested with Django v1.4 by Grigoriy Beziuk [email protected] at 27.08.2012
Refactored, updated for Django 1.9 and added SSO and other features by Tobias Carlander [email protected] at 2015/03/25