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intdaverse/tdaunif (press backspace or delete to remove)For cases of stratified sampling in which the sample size n is not divisible by the number of cells N in an
area-preserving grid, it may be desirable to offer an option to allocate the remainder using ...
- Opened on Jun 23, 2022
- #31
By sampling from the vertices of an n-dimensional standard simplex, optionally with (but by default without) the origin,
adding noise yields, in effect, a Gaussian cluster sampler. Such a sample from the ...
- Opened on Sep 13, 2021
- #30
I m unable to get samples from an interlocked torus, from either the CRAN version or the github:
# Error in rbind(res_1, res_2): number of columns of matrices must ...
- 2
- Opened on Nov 28, 2020
- #29
For the time being, there are few enough samplers that it would be feasible to tag @familys of rejection samplers and of
volume-preserving samplers, though eventually these might need to be subfamilied. ...
good first issue
- Opened on Oct 18, 2020
- #28
Arvo (1995, 2001) illustrates area-preserving parameterization–based sampling using spherical triangles. We implemented
planar triangle samplers here and it would be natural to include sphericals as well. ...
good first issue
- Opened on Oct 16, 2020
- #27
There are lots of lemniscates, and it would be cool to see which of their parameterizations are amenable to
length-preserving transformations.
good first issue
- Opened on Oct 16, 2020
- #26
If not already implemented elsewhere, it may be worthwhile to write samplers for compact Lie groups, as presented in
accessible form by Mezzadri (2007; p. 592) (arXiv preprint). The technique can also ...
- Opened on Sep 22, 2020
- #24
Samples obtained from the circle samplers cannot have their aspect ratios adjusted in an area-preserving way; instead,
they should be replaced with ellipse samplers that use aspect ratio parameters that ...
- 1
- Opened on Sep 18, 2020
- #23
By design, the samplers have no scaling parameters; the only parameters that affect the underlying manifold from which
points are sampled have to do with aspect ratios, and aspect ratio parameters that ...
- 1
- Opened on Sep 18, 2020
- #22
The package needs at least one vignette; for the time being, one may be enough to illustrate the three basic
- uniform sampling (e.g. the real projective plane, perhaps also projected ...
- 1
- Opened on Sep 4, 2020
- #21

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