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TADA Tadashi edited this page Dec 22, 2017 · 1 revision

What is emptDiary style?

emptDiary is an abbreviation for 'empty line permitted tDiary style'. Very long, isn't it? This style is an extension to the tDiaryStyle which allows plug-in arguments to have empty lines. In short, this style preserves empty lines between <% and %> when splltting the input into sections.

Sometimes, you would want to include your program list in your diary. In the case, the tDiaryStyle rule gets in the way: an empty line in the program list makes a second section. emptDiary style permits empty lines in the arguments of plug-ins. Thus, using e.g. pre.rb plugin, you can show your program list without modifying your it.

You can use the following as an example for pre.rb:

def pre (text, escape = true, attr='')
attr = ' ' + attr unless attr.empty?
"<pre#{attr}>#{escape ? CGI::escapeHTML(text) : text}</pre>" 


Please copy the file emptdiary_style.rb into the tdiary/ directory under the top directory where tdiary.rb sits. Add the following line into tdiary.conf: @style = 'emptDiary'

You can write your diaries in almost the same manner as you have done with the tDiary style as described in the file HOWTO-write-tDiary.html. In short:

  • A line beginning without a space becomes a section title with a section anchor,
  • Lines following the section title become the body of the section,
  • An empty line changes sections, but
  • You can create a section with a section anchor but a section title with the first line beginning with a space.

emptDiary style adds the follwing rules:

  • Empty lines between <% and %> are ignored when parsing your text into sections. Thus, you can include empty lines between <% and %>. And asa side effect,
  • You have to keep <% and %>'s in pairs.

Thus, using pre.rb plugin, you can write a section like: title of the section <p>Descriptino of the program</p>

<%=pre <<'_PRE'
#include <stdio.h>

/* above is an empty line */
main (int argc, char *argv[])
puts ("Hello world.");

Please note that the <, >, and & charactors are escaped by the pre plugin.


This style is realized using TdiarySection and TdiaryDiary as super-classes. The authors of the style thank the authors of tdiary_style.rb for providing such flexible classes.

Copyright notice for the style and this document

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Copyright 2003 zunda <zunda at>

Permission is granted for use, copying, modification, distribution, and distribution of modified versions of this work under the terms of GPL version 2 or later.

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