Created for iOS 14 AppTrackingTransparency.
This plugin use cocoapods for iOS dependencies!
Use directly with iOS 14 AppTrackingTransparency module (recommended)
admob.interstitial.config({ id: admobid.interstitial, isTesting: false, autoShow: false });
admob.banner.config({ id: admobid.banner, overlap: true, isTesting: false, autoShow: true });
admob.getTrackingStatus().then(function(status) { // get status..
if (status == 'notDetermined') { // not determined..
navigator.notification.confirm(LANGUAGE.tracking_info_msg, function() { // open a native popup for infos..
admob.trackingStatusForm().then(function(status) { // iOS tracking form..
// show ads..
if (status != 'authorized') { // not authorized show a motivation popup.. (optional)
// navigator.notification.confirm..
}, LANGUAGE.tracking_info, [LANGUAGE.okay]);
} else { // determined..
// show ads..
if (status != 'authorized') { // not authorized show a motivation popup.. (optional)
// navigator.notification.confirm..
OR Use with User Messaging Platform SDK (not recommended - 2020.09.22)
admob.userMessagingPlatform().then(function(result) {
}).catch(function(error) {
}).then(function() { // load ads in every case..
// load + show ads..
<config-file platform="ios" target="*-Info.plist" parent="SKAdNetworkItems">
<config-file platform="ios" target="*-Info.plist" parent="NSUserTrackingUsageDescription">
<string>This lets us show your personalized ads, which keeps the app for free</string>
All prepare() functions return the ad id!
admob.banner.prepare().then(function(ad_id) {});
admob.interstitial.prepare().then(function(ad_id) {});
- IMPORTANT: reward ad no longer available!
- all others functions same as in
- AppTrackingTransparency: This plugin return the AppTrackingTransparency status name. So you can write extra notification for user. Info:
- User Messaging Platform: Error callback: umpError, formError Success callback: noSharedInstance, formStatusNotAvailable, obtained, notObtained, keepTheForm
If you want to support please write here: [email protected]