Install lint
$ pip install -e .[extras] $ ln -s $(pwd)/hooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit
Install python libraries
$ pip install . && pip install -e .[tests]
To configure your settings, copy exam.cfg.py.dist
to exam.cfg.py
$ cp exam.cfg.py.dist exam.cfg.py
And you can easily pass your configuration through -c
$ ./run.py -c exam.cfg.py serve
To migrate your DB changes, create revision by revision
$ ./run.py -c exam.cfg.py revision -m "your message"
Or you can upgrade/downgrae your revision.
$ soran -c exam.cfg.py checkout head
With -@
option, you are able to use relative revision such as +1
$ soran -c exam.cfg.py checkout -@ +1
Use Sphinx to create document for sourcodes, database models, API, and etc.