Telepath is a modern, intelligent CLI tool for seamless and secure port forwarding. Designed with versatility and ease of use in mind, Telepath enables developers and system administrators to create complex forwarding paths across multiple hosts effortlessly. Whether you're working with password-based or keyfile authentication, single or multiple jump hosts, Telepath has you covered.
- Multi-Jump Host Support: Telepath allows seamless port forwarding through multiple intermediate hosts, making it ideal for accessing restricted networks.
- Secure Authentication: Supports password-based and keyfile authentication, ensuring flexibility and security.
- CLI Simplicity: Its intuitive command-line interface simplifies complex operations with straightforward commands.
- Daemon Mode: Runs as a background service for continuous operation, perfect for long-running port-forwarding tasks.
- Customizable & Open Source: It's open source and developer-friendly, so you can tweak it for your needs.
Download and install executable binary from GitHub releases page.
brew tap tech-thinker/tap
brew install telepath
# Use latest tag name from release page
curl -sL "${TAG}/telepath-linux-amd64" -o telepath
chmod +x telepath
sudo mv telepath /usr/bin
# Use latest tag name from release page
curl -sL "${TAG}/telepath-darwin-amd64" -o telepath
chmod +x telepath
sudo mv telepath /usr/bin
# Use latest tag name from release page
curl -sL "${TAG}/telepath-windows-amd64.exe" -o telepath.exe
# Use latest tag name from release page
# Using sha256sum
curl -sL "${TAG}/checksum-sha256sum.txt" -o checksum-sha256sum.txt
sha256sum --ignore-missing --check checksum-sha256sum.txt
# Using md5sum
curl -sL "${TAG}/checksum-md5sum.txt" -o checksum-md5sum.txt
md5sum --ignore-missing --check checksum-md5sum.txt
telepath-darwin-amd64: OK
telepath-darwin-amd64.tar.gz: OK
telepath-darwin-arm64: OK
telepath-darwin-arm64.tar.gz: OK
telepath-linux-amd64: OK
telepath-linux-amd64.tar.gz: OK
telepath-linux-arm: OK
telepath-linux-arm.tar.gz: OK
telepath-linux-arm64: OK
telepath-linux-arm64.tar.gz: OK
telepath-windows-amd64.exe: OK
telepath-windows-i386.exe: OK
telepath -h
- Start, Stop and Status telepath daemon
telepath daemon start
telepath daemon status
telepath daemon stop
- Create crediential for key and password
telepath crediential add -T KEY -K "/path-to/id_rsa" cred1
telepath crediential add -T PASS -P "my-password" cred2
- Create Host with crediential
telepath host add -H <host-ip> -P 22 -U <username> -C cred1 mylab1
telepath host add -H <host-ip> -P 22 -U <username> -C cred2 mylab2
- Create tunnel for mysql connection
telepath tunnel add -L 3306 -H localhost -R 3306 -C mylab1,mylab2 tunnel1
- Start and stop tunnel
telepath tunnel start tunnel1
telepath tunnel stop tunnel1