- Implement the above task using plain node.js callbacks (you can use e xpress or http or any other helper module but nothing which absracts control flow).
- Implement the above using some kind of flow library e.g. async.js or st ep.js
- Implement the above using Promises. You could use any library e.g. R SVP or Q
All the above tasks have been accomplished in this repo. Details for the tasks and their respective code is: For task 1 use file: http.js For task 2 use file: async.js For task 3 use file: q.js
to run the project use command like "node ", e.g. node http.js
the project is currently set to run on the Port 5000. After starting the project hit the url, http://localhost:5000/I/want/title?address=google.com&address=www.dawn.com/events&address=www.arslan-ishrat.com&address=asdasdasd
the above url will return the required HTML response. e.g. Following are the titles of given websites: google.com - "Google" www.dawn.com/events - "Events - DAWN.COM - DAWN.COM" www.arslan-ishrat.com - "Arslan Ishrat | Portfolio" asdasdasd - NO RESPONSE
The address query parameter is changable to any desired url.