ROM assembler for the CPC Dandanator Mini. An Amstrad CPC peripheral that allows for an easy and fast way to load snapshots in the machine.
This tool provides a way to create ROMSet compilations with our games of choose. Currently it supports games in SNA format. Support for games in DSK and CDT format is also provided but still in beta stage.
Git, Maven and java8 are needed
##Cloning the repository git clone
Java8 and Maven are needed. Just execute:
cd dandanator-cpc
mvn install
An executable jar with all the dependencies bundled in will be generated in the following location:
that can be executed with the following invocation:
java -jar target/dandanator-cpc-2.3-jar-with-dependencies.jar
In most modern operating systems it should be also possible to execute the application by just double clicking on the jar file.