Teja.app is a mental health application, we are looking out of pshychologist to join our mission to make the word a better place in mental health.
This syllabus focuses on the advanced knowledge on Pshychology, So that every practitioning pshycologists are upto date with recent advancements.
Definition and goals of psychology
History of psychology
Structuralism (Wundt, Titchener): Focused on breaking down mental processes into basic components
Functionalism (James, Dewey): Emphasized the adaptive purpose of behavior and mental processes
Behaviorism (Watson, Skinner): Studied observable behavior and environmental influences
Psychoanalysis (Freud): Explored the unconscious mind and early childhood experiences
Humanistic psychology (Maslow, Rogers): Focused on personal growth, self-actualization, and subjective experiences
Cognitive psychology (Neisser, Miller): Investigated mental processes such as perception, memory, and decision-making
Contemporary perspectives (biological, cognitive, behavioral, psychodynamic, evolutionary, sociocultural)
Research methods (experimental, correlational, observational, case studies, surveys)
Ethics in psychological research (informed consent, confidentiality, debriefing)
Nervous system (central and peripheral)
Neurons and neurotransmitters (structure, function, types)
Brain structures and functions (lobes, cortices, subcortical structures)
Genetics and behavior (heredity, twin studies, adoption studies)
Evolutionary psychology (natural selection, adaptations, mating strategies)
Biological processes and psychological health (neuroplasticity, psychoneuroimmunology, stress response)
Perception (sensation, bottom-up and top-down processing, Gestalt principles)
Attention (selective, divided, sustained)
Memory (encoding, storage, retrieval, forgetting)
Learning (classical conditioning, operant conditioning, observational learning)
Language (structure, acquisition, processing, language and thought)
Real-life applications (cognitive biases in decision-making, memory strategies for studying)
Prenatal development (stages, teratogens, genetic influences)
Infancy and childhood (physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development)
Adolescence (puberty, identity formation, moral development)
Adulthood (physical, cognitive, and social changes, midlife crisis)
Late adulthood (aging, retirement, wisdom, end-of-life issues)
Real-life applications (developmental considerations in education, parenting strategies)
Social cognition (schemas, heuristics, attributions)
Attitudes (formation, change, measurement)
Stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination (causes, consequences, reduction)
Interpersonal attraction and relationships (attachment, love, intimacy)
Group processes (conformity, obedience, groupthink, social loafing)
Current research trends (social media influence, implicit bias, prosocial behavior)
Trait theories (Allport, Cattell, Eysenck, Big Five)
Psychodynamic theories (Freud, Jung, Adler, Horney)
Humanistic theories (Maslow, Rogers)
Social-cognitive theories (Bandura, Mischel)
Biological perspectives (genetics, neurotransmitters, temperament)
Controversies and debates (personality stability, cultural influences, assessment methods)
Definitions of abnormality (statistical, cultural, functional)
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
Anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety, panic, phobias, obsessive-compulsive)
Mood disorders (major depressive, bipolar, cyclothymic)
Schizophrenia spectrum disorders (symptoms, subtypes, causes)
Personality disorders (clusters A, B, and C)
Recent changes and debates in classification systems (dimensional vs. categorical approaches, cultural considerations)
Research designs (independent and dependent variables, validity, reliability)
Sampling techniques (random, stratified, convenience, snowball)
Data collection methods (experiments, questionnaires, interviews, observations)
Descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency, variability, correlation)
Inferential statistics (hypothesis testing, t-tests, ANOVA, regression)
Statistical literacy and software tools (SPSS, R, interpreting results)
Assessment (interviews, observations, psychological tests)
Diagnosis (differential diagnosis, comorbidity, cultural considerations)
Psychotherapy (psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, integrative)
Ethics in clinical practice (confidentiality, informed consent, boundaries)
Evidence-based practice (empirically supported treatments, treatment guidelines)
Real-world case studies and practical applications
Biopsychosocial model of health and illness
Health behaviors (nutrition, exercise, sleep, substance use)
Stress and coping (appraisal, resources, strategies)
Pain management (gate control theory, biofeedback, cognitive-behavioral techniques)
Chronic illnesses (cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS)
Interdisciplinary collaborations (public health, medicine, health policy)
Brain-behavior relationships (lateralization, localization of function)
Cognitive functions (attention, memory, language, executive functions)
Neuropsychological assessment (intelligence, memory, executive function tests)
Neurodegenerative disorders (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's)
Traumatic brain injury (concussion, post-concussion syndrome, rehabilitation)
Neuroimaging techniques and their applications
Well-being and happiness (hedonic and eudaimonic approaches)
Character strengths and virtues (wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, transcendence)
Resilience (protective factors, post-traumatic growth)
Positive emotions (broaden-and-build theory, upward spirals)
Positive institutions (families, schools, workplaces, communities)
Practical interventions and exercises for promoting well-being
Therapeutic relationship (rapport, empathy, unconditional positive regard)
Counseling theories (person-centered, existential, gestalt, cognitive-behavioral)
Career counseling (vocational theories, assessment, decision-making)
Multicultural counseling (cultural competence, worldviews, acculturation)
Crisis intervention (suicide prevention, disaster response, trauma-informed care)
Role-playing and simulation exercises for skill development
Motivation theories (needs, expectancy, goal-setting, self-determination)
Leadership (traits, behaviors, contingency theories, transformational leadership)
Group dynamics (formation, development, cohesion, conflict)
Organizational culture (values, norms, artifacts, climate)
Occupational health psychology (job stress, burnout, work-life balance)
Real-world case studies and applications in various industries
Psychology and law (expert testimony, jury selection, eyewitness testimony)
Criminal behavior (theories, risk factors, assessment)
Victimology (impact of crime, victim-offender relationship, restorative justice)
Correctional psychology (assessment, treatment, rehabilitation)
Juvenile justice (risk factors, prevention, intervention)
Ethical and legal considerations in forensic practice
Culture and cognition (perception, categorization, problem-solving)
Culture and emotion (expression, recognition, regulation)
Culture and personality (individualism-collectivism, self-construal, values)
Acculturation and cultural identity (assimilation, integration, marginalization)
Intercultural communication (verbal and nonverbal, high-low context, power distance)
Current research on globalization, migration, and cultural diversity
Methods (EEG, fMRI, PET, lesion studies, single-cell recording)
Perception and attention (visual, auditory, somatosensory, attentional networks)
Learning and memory (declarative, procedural, working memory, long-term potentiation)
Language processing (speech perception, word recognition, sentence comprehension)
Decision-making and executive functions (planning, inhibition, cognitive control)
Interdisciplinary research (neuroscience, computer science, philosophy of mind)
Developmental cascades (cumulative effects, transactional processes)
Gene-environment interactions (vulnerability, resilience, epigenetics)
Attachment disorders (reactive attachment disorder, disinhibited social engagement disorder)
Neurodevelopmental disorders (autism spectrum, attention-deficit/hyperactivity, learning disabilities)
Externalizing disorders (conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, substance use)
Implications for prevention, early intervention, and treatment
Ecological systems theory (microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem)
Prevention and health promotion (primary, secondary, tertiary)
Empowerment and social justice (advocacy, activism, policy change)
Community-based participatory research (partnerships, action research, mixed methods)
Program evaluation (needs assessment, process evaluation, outcome evaluation)
Real-world projects and service-learning opportunities
Behavioral principles (reinforcement, punishment, extinction, shaping)
Functional analysis (antecedents, behaviors, consequences)
Behavior modification techniques (token economies, contingency contracts, self-management)
Applications (autism spectrum disorders, intellectual disabilities, organizational behavior management)
Ethics and professional issues (certification, supervision, scope of practice)
Practical training and case studies
Meta-analysis (effect sizes, heterogeneity, publication bias)
Systematic reviews (search strategies, inclusion criteria, quality assessment)
Longitudinal designs (cohort studies, panel studies, growth curve modeling)
Structural equation modeling (path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, latent variables)
Qualitative methods (grounded theory, phenomenology, narrative analysis)
Hands-on experience with research software and data analysis
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion)
Neurotransmitter systems (serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, GABA, glutamate)
Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, TCAs, MAOIs)
Antipsychotics (typical and atypical)
Anxiolytics and sedatives (benzodiazepines, buspirone, beta-blockers)
Ethical considerations and future directions in psychopharmacology
Artificial intelligence and robotics (human-computer interaction, social robots, ethical implications)
Virtual and augmented reality (exposure therapy, social skills training, neuropsychological assessment)
Genetics and epigenetics (genome-wide association studies, DNA methylation, histone modification)
Mindfulness and meditation (neural correlates, clinical applications, mobile apps)
Social neuroscience (empathy, theory of mind, mirror neurons, oxytocin)
Preparing for future challenges and career opportunities in psychology