FDIC will read STDIN and output newline delimited words to stdout if they are contained in a dictionary file at ~/.config/fdic/dict.txt or ~/snap/fdic/common/dict.txt
Alternatively, the dictionary can be specified on the command line ./fdic word1 word2 word3
Basic punctuation should be filtered from the input if they are not in the dictionary.
Punctuation removal from the input can be achieved by piping to tr -d [:punct:]
Unprintable characters can be converted to newlines by piping to tr -s -c [:print:] "\n"
Spaces can be converted to newlines with tr -s " " "\n"
For example:
> cat /dev/urandom |tr -s -c [:alpha:] "\n" |tr [:upper:] [:lower:] |fdic
> cat /dev/urandom |tr -s -c [:alpha:] "\n" |tr [:upper:] [:lower:] |fdic car dog cat
Download the AUR snapshot then extract and build:
curl -s "https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/snapshot/fdic.tar.gz" |tar xz --directory=/tmp
cd /tmp/fdic
sudo pacman -U fdic[tab]
sudo snap install fdic
g++ -std=c++17 -O3 -Wall -o fdic fdic.cpp dictionary.cpp