Example code from the talk about "Functional Domain Modeling" on DevFest 2013 Vienna. Here you can find slides of the talk.
#Content Talk discusses how to apply certain basic functional programming techniques on domain model. I showed on example how to convert a typical javaesque code to immutable one with function compostion of invariants. In the end of the talk I sketched suitable architecture combining CQRS, Event Sourcing and Actors. Example is written in Scala.
#How to use the example
Example was written for presentation purposes and each step in domain model evolution has its own tag.
Just checkout an appropriate tag using git checkout [tag-name]
to see the appropriate step.
See the list of tags in this repository and start from tag with name 0-start
#References The talk was inspired from following sources:
- https://github.com/dwestheide/eventhub-flatmap2013
- https://github.com/debasishg/cqrs-akka
- https://github.com/erikrozendaal/immutable-domain-example
All of them contains complete running examples of above mentioned concepts and sketched architecture. I inculded only references related to code examples, all other references can be found at the end of the talk slides.