summary assessment of CMIP6 models for Europe
Models are graded against each of the criteria in the table selection_criteria_cmip6_summary.xls as follows:
Red : Large widespread errors to the extent that the model is unable to represent the present-day climatology in a useful way and future projections by the model cannot be interpreted in a meaningful way.
Orange: Unsatisfactory, substantial errors in remote regions where downstream effects could be expected to impact on the reliability of regional information and/or present in the local region of interest.
Yellow: Satisfactory, some substantial errors present but not widespread or not present in the local region of interest. Location of larger remote errors are not known to have a downstream impact in the local region of interest. Captures key characteristics of the criteria spatially or temporarily.
White: : Low errors over both local and remote regions. Captures key characteristics of the criteria spatially or temporarily
Grey: Data/ analysis not available.
Note correction to the precipitation classification for FGOALS-f3-LL in summary assessment spreadsheet, NEU (unsatisfactory), CEU (inadequate). Previous assessment was incorrect due to a masking error. (15/04/2024).
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