Releases: terminator-97/SCPUtils
-Fixed CheckNickname
-Updated for exiled 2.1.29 (thanks to 4310V343k)
Bug fix
-Fixed a bug where temporary badge could cause to reset the preferences.
Bug fixed
- Fixed save data, on new version of sl it got bugged.
Bug fixes
-Fixed a bug that could happen when badge expires
-Added scputils_remove_previous_badge command
-Added permission scputils.ownplaytime to see own playtime with .scputils_play_time user command (i suggest to give that permission to every player otherwise you have to proccess data request manually to comply with VSR)
First update of 2021!
SCPUtils changelog:
- Added restrict system
- Added a setting to remove nickname / color or hide badge status if user doesn't have the permission to use the command
- Modified scputils_play_time command: Now everyone will be able to see own playtime up to 120 days, staff command doesnt have limit.
- Fixed badge bug
- Modified scputils_staff_list: Now it will show badge name insted group name
- Now some commands use StringBuilder to make them more optimized
- Varios bug fixes
Added the following commands, more info on documentation:
- scputils_player_restrict
- scputils_player_unrestrict
- scputils_show_command_bans
- scputils_preference_persist
Added the following configs:
- keep_name_without_permission
- keep_color_without_permission
- keep_badge_visibility_without_permission
Those configs if false removes the user custom name/color/hide badge status if he doesn't have the permission or keep flag, to give/remove keep flag use scputils_preference_persist
I wish you a happy 2021!
Updated LiteDB version
-Updated LiteDB version to 5.0.9
In order to make this version works you need put LiteDB.dll into EXILED/Plugins/dependencies folder
Bug fixes
-Fixed a bug where staff warning broadcasts could be visible to everyone.
-Fixed a bug where multiple broadcasts could be sent.
-Bug fix: Now getting killed by SCP-018 won't be longer considered as suicide.
-You can no longer use "scputils_set_badge" to set a group with higher kick level than your.
Bug fixes
-Fixed ASN exception while having no element on the config
-Added config "allowed_scps" to allow scps to speak with default role (i made this because default permission doesn't work due Exiled.Permissions bug)
New commands
-Added scputils_global_edit to globally remove total scp games / suicides / kick and bans, the amount you specify will decrease the total amount of each player.
-Added scputils_player_edit to edit specified player data, unlike global_edit here you set directly specified amount of total scp games / suicides / kick and bans (without decreasing them from total)
-Added scputils_player_delete to delete a player from database.
Bug fixes
-Fixed a bug where SCPs could get a warning when round ended
-Fixed a bug on scputils_set_color / change_color command
-Fixed a bug where ban duration was in seconds instead minutes