Releases: terminator-97/SCPUtils
-Updated to SCP:SL 10.0.2 and Exiled 2.1.2
-Recompiled plugin for SCP:SL 10.0.1
-Rewritted class-d immunity code, now you can configure it for every class
-Added scputils_disable_suicide_warns to temporarily disable SCP suicide/quits warns for the rest of the round (you can activate them again with scputils_disable_suicide_warns)
-Added scputils_staff_list (alias: sl or stafflist) command - It show staff list present in server.
-Added a feature to prevent damage to cuffed class-d when they are in specific zones (configurable)
-Removed autorestart features (it was useless since now it's implemented in base game)
-Fixed scputils_set_badge command
-Removed debug code
-Other small changes
Bug fixes again
-Fixed a bug where everyone was able to read admin chat messages
-Fixed an SCP:SL bug where team where was being setted to RIP when player leave the server and therefore player would not get warned for SCP Quit.
Bug fix
-Fixed a bug where player data was not saving
Command update
-Bug fixes
-Updated commands to new command system
-Now nicknames changed via changenick command can have space
-Added nickname_max_length setting
-Added permission (required to see admin command list)
-Now users can see their own info without restrictions
-Many bug fixes
-Added new configs: database_folder, broadcast_sanctions, broadcast_warns
-Added a feature to show kicked/banned and warned for scp suicide or quits players in admin chat
-Added first join and total playtime in .scputils_my_info command
Now default folder is back to EXILED if you wish use old database you must change database folder from settings or move database inside EXILED folder.
You must update LiteDB dependencies to make this plugin work since i updated the version.
Bug Fixes
-Fixed database_name and banned_nick_names configs
-Moved database folder to EXILED-PTB (you will need move your old database there)
-Other small things
Currently in beta
-Converted for SCP SL 10.0.0 and Exiled 2.0
-Now you can make tutorial being considered as SCP by editing configs
-Now custom nickname use's 10.0.0 feature so it's no longer required to rejoin the server
-ASN Bans: now you can add blacklisted ASNs in server configs, you can whitelist a player using scputils_whitelist_asn
Currently in beta.
-Added player activity record
-Added scputils_play_time command
-Fixed a bug on restricted nickname check