python-tcxparser is a minimal parser for Garmin's TCX file format. It is not in any way exhaustive.
- Data extracted:
- latitude & longitude of start point of workout
- type of workout (running, walking, etc)
- time of completion of workout (in ISO UTC)
- distance of workout (in meters)
- duration of workout (in seconds)
- calories burned during workout (as estimated by device)
- average, max and min heart rate during workout
- average pace during workout
- average altitude during workout
- ascent and descent of workout
- max and min altitude
- time stamp of each data point (in ISO UTC)
- average and max cadence (cycling activities)
- percentage and time spent in heart rate zone
Install it from PyPI:
pip install python-tcxparser
Basic usage example:
>>> import tcxparser >>> tcx = tcxparser.TCXParser('/home/vinod/Downloads/20121226-212953.tcx') >>> # Duration of workout in seconds ... tcx.duration 1992.78 >>> # latitude/longitude at start of workout ... tcx.latitude 35.951880198 >>> tcx.longitude -79.0931872185 >>> tcx.activity_type 'running' >>> # ISO UTC timestamp when workout completed ... tcx.completed_at '2012-12-26T22:03:05Z' >>> # distance of workout in meters ... tcx.distance 4686.31103516 >>> tcx.distance_units 'meters' >>> # calories burned (as reported by device) ... tcx.calories 379 >>> # percentage of workout spent in each user-defined heart rate zone ... tcx.hr_percent_in_zones({"Z0": (0, 99), "Z1": (100, 129), "Z2": (130, 200)}) {"Z0": 14, "Z1": 36, "Z2": 50}
- Python 3.6+, see tox.ini.
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Please contact me with any questions: Vinod Kurup ([email protected])