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Enterprise Contracts

This repository contains the source code for the Enterprise protocol smart contracts on the Terra blockchain.

You can find information about the usage and function of the smart contracts on the official Enterprise documentation site.


Contract Description
denom-staking-membership Membership contract for DAOs that base their membership on staking of native denoms.
enterprise On-chain admin (has migration rights) of all other DAO's contracts; holds addresses of all other DAO contracts.
enterprise-facade Facade that exposes functions in a way that pre-1.0.0 DAOs did, enabling frontend to interact with all DAOs the same way (using the facade).
enterprise-facade-v1 Facade implementation for pre-1.0.0 DAOs
enterprise-facade-v2 Facade implementation for 1.0.0 and later DAOs
enterprise-factory A proxy to create DAOs, storing their addresses, and global configurations.
enterprise-governance A wrapper for the poll-engine library that handles all voting-related logic.
enterprise-governance-controller Validates who and under what circumstances can create proposals, vote on them, and execute them; reports governance actions; has privileges over other DAO contracts.
enterprise-outposts Deals with cross-chain treasuries - keeps references to them, and communicates with them.
enterprise-treasury Holds all the DAO's funds (excluding proposal deposits). Acts as the main address of the DAO.
enterprise-versioning Global contract that maps contract code IDs to DAO versions.
funds-distributor Distributes funds (rewards) to DAO's members.
ics721-callback-proxy Global contract that accepts callbacks from incoming ICS721 NFTs and passes them along.
multisig-membership Membership contract for DAOs that base their membership on a multisig.
nft-staking-membership Membership contract for DAOs that base their membership on staking of CW721 NFTs.
token-staking-membership Membership contract for DAOs that base their membership on staking of CW20 tokens.


Environment Setup

  • Rust v1.44.1+
  • wasm32-unknown-unknown target
  • Docker
  1. Install rustup via

  2. Run the following:

rustup default stable
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
  1. Make sure Docker is installed

Unit / Integration Tests

Each contract contains Rust unit and integration tests embedded within the contract source directories. You can run:

cargo test

Compiling and building contracts

For production builds, run the following:


This performs several optimizations which can significantly reduce the final size of the contract binaries, which will be available inside the artifacts/ directory.

Faster builds for ARM

While developing and testing on Apple silicon or other ARM architectures, you can build contract .wasm files using:


Contract Deployment

Contracts have deployment scripts that make it easier to publish them to various networks.

Yarn + Terrariums setup

This assumes that you already have Yarn installed (

Once you clone the repository, you can do the following;

yarn install

We are using terrariums to manage contract deployment. The terrarium.json file allows the selection of a deployment script. Deployment scripts are located in the tasks directory.

Terrariums synchronizes a refs.json file, that contains the codeID and address of deployed contracts on the various networks.

terrarium.json setup

To run deployment scripts, you need to first generate your own terrarium.json file using the provided terrarium-template.json.

To do that, simply replace the signers' mnemonics to one of your wallets, for the networks you plan to use.

After that, just rename terrarium-template.json to terrarium.json and you're ready to run the deployment scripts.

Running the deployment scripts

To deploy a contract, you can run the following command:

yarn deploy:<contract>:<mainnet|testnet|staging|cradle>

Enterprise factory testnet:

yarn deploy:enterprise-factory:testnet

Enterprise factory mainnet:

yarn deploy:enterprise-factory:mainnet

Deployment sequence

The contracts have certain interdependencies that require specific sequence in contract deployment.

The correct deployment sequence:

  1. enterprise-versioning (global instance)
  2. enterprise-factory (global instance)
  3. enterprise-facade (global instance)
  4. New Enterprise version (will deploy code for each of the DAO-specific contracts, and package them into a version denoted in the tasks/deploy_enterprise_versioning.ts file).

Running the migration scripts

To migrate a contract, you can run commands similar to deployment, however you will use migrate instead of deploy:

yarn migrate:<contract>:<mainnet|testnet|staging|cradle>

Enterprise factory testnet:

yarn migrate:enterprise-factory:testnet

Cradle tests

A suite of tests using NewMetric's Cradle has been created, and can be found under tests-cradle/.


The tests are designed to execute real transactions on a fork of mainnet.

These are used as 'smoke tests' for new versions of Enterprise. They allow developers to exactly simulate existing DAOs upgrading to new versions and check whether basic functions (like proposals, or upgrading again) work, so that DAOs are not bricked after an update.

Env setup for Cradle tests

To run the tests, an .env file in the root directory of the repository is required.

The file requires the following setup:

LCD_ENDPOINT=<Cradle LCD endpoint, can be found in your Cradle dashboard>
JWT_TOKEN=<JWT token for your Cradle session>
CHAIN_ID=<e.g. phoenix-1>
MNEMONIC_KEY=<mnemonic of the wallet used to interact with the chain>

Running Cradle tests

Before running Cradle tests, you need a valid setup in the form of an .env file, described above.

To run the tests, run:

yarn tests-cradle


Copyright 2024 Terraform Labs Pte Ltd

Enterprise DAO is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 with Common Clause License Condition v1.0 and Additional License Condition v1.0 (the "License");

You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

You may obtain a copy of the Apache License, Version 2.0 license at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Commons Clause” License Condition v1.0

The Software is provided to you by the Licensor under the License, as defined below, subject to the following condition.

Without limiting other conditions in the License, the grant of rights under the License will not include, and the License does not grant to you, the right to Sell the Software.

For purposes of the foregoing, “Sell” means practicing any or all of the rights granted to you under the License to provide to third parties or any other persons, for a fee or other monetary or non-monetary consideration (including without limitation fees for hosting or consulting/ support services related to the Software), a product or service whose value derives, entirely, substantially or similarly, from the functionality of the Software. Any license notice or attribution required by the License must also include this Commons Clause License Condition notice.

Software: Enterprise DAO

License: Apache 2.0

Licensor: Terraform Labs Pte Ltd

Additional License Condition v1.0

The terms below are in addition to the Apache 2.0 license terms and the Commons Clause License Conditions v1.0.

Copying Restrictions: Despite the terms of the License, no person or entity shall be permitted to copy, or reproduce in any form, any portion of the Software.

Redistribution Restrictions: Despite the terms of the License, no person or entity shall be permitted to redistribute, share, or make publicly available any portion of the Software or derivative works thereof.