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@terraform-ibm-modules-ops terraform-ibm-modules-ops released this 04 Jan 08:52
· 616 commits to main since this release

4.0.0 (2023-01-04)


  • var.bucket_name has been added to allow consumers complete control over the naming of buckets. This is a required variable if var.create_cos_bucket is true.
  • var.cos_instance_name is now required if var.create_cos_instance is true to allow consumers complete control over the naming of the COS instance.
  • var.existing_cos_key_ring_name is now available to create a key in an already existing key ring. Previously the module only supported creating a new key ring.
  • var.enable_key_protect_metrics has been added to allow consumers to enable or disable metrics on a newly provisioned Key Protect instance.


  • var.existing_cos_instance_id must now be used to pass an existing COS instance. Fix for timing issue. (#99) (f335fc6)
  • var.cos_key_name now takes a string input instead of a list, as only 1 key can ever be passed into the bucket for encrpytion.


  • var.bucket_infix and var.environment_name have both been removed. Use var.bucket_name to create the bucket name now. Previously the bucket name was named like "${var.environment_name}${local.infix}-bucket-${var.region}".
  • You now need to use var.cos_instance_name for naming the COS instance to be provisioned. Previously, the COS instance was named like "${var.environment_name}-cos".
  • var.existing_cos_instance_id must now be used to pass an existing COS instance.
  • var.cos_key_name now takes a string input instead of a list.
  • key_protect_instance_id output was actually outputting the GUID, so the output has been renamed to key_protect_instance_guid.