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Terraform IBM External Secrets Operator module

Graduated (Supported) latest release pre-commit Renovate enabled semantic-release

This module automates the installation and configuration of the External Secrets Operator in a cluster.



External Secrets Operator synchronizes secrets in the Kubernetes cluster with secrets that are mapped in Secrets Manager.

The module provides the following features:

  • Install and configure External Secrets Operator (ESO).
  • Customise External Secret Operator deployment on specific cluster workers by configuration approriate NodeSelector and Tolerations in the ESO helm release More details below

The submodules automate the configuration of an operator, providing the following features:

  • Deploy and configure ClusterSecretStore resources for cluster scope secrets store eso-clusterstore
  • Deploy and configure SecretStore resources for namespace scope secrets store eso-secretstore
  • Leverage on two authentication methods to be configured on the single stores instances:
    • IAM apikey standard authentication
    • IAM Trusted profile: in conjunction with eso-trusted-profile submodule, which allows to create one or more trusted profiles to use with the ESO module for trusted profile authentication.
  • Configure the ExternalSecret resources to be bound to the expected secrets store (according to the visibility you need) and to configure the target secret details
    • The following secret types of Kubernetes Secrets are currently supported:
      • Opaque (opaque in this module)
      • (dockerconfigjson in this module)

The current version of the module supports multitenants configuration by setting up "ESO as a service" (ref. for both authentication methods More details below

The following combinations of Kubernetes Secrets and Secrets Manager secrets are used with given External-Secret type.

es_kubernetes_secret_type1 sm_secret_type2 external_secret_type3
dockerconfigjson arbitrary arbitrary
dockerconfigjson iam_credentials iam_credentials
dockerconfigjson username_password username_password
opaque arbitrary arbitrary
opaque iam_credentials iam_credentials
opaque username_password username_password
opaque kv kv
tls imported_cert imported_cert
tls public_cert public_cert
tls private_cert private_cert

Customise ESO deployment on specific cluster nodes

In order to customise the NodeSelector and the tolerations to make the External Secret Operator deployed on specific cluster nodes it is possible to configure the following input variable with the appropriate values:

variable "eso_cluster_nodes_configuration" {
  description = "Configuration to use to customise ESO deployment on specific cluster nodes. Setting appropriate values will result in customising ESO helm release. Default value is null to keep ESO standard deployment."
  type = object({
    nodeSelector = object({
      label = string
      value = string
    tolerations = object({
      key = string
      operator = string
      value = string
      effect = string
  default = null

For example:

module "external_secrets_operator" {
  eso_cluster_nodes_configuration = {
    nodeSelector = {
      label = "dedicated"
      value = "edge"
    tolerations = {
      key = "dedicated"
      operator = "Equal"
      value = "edge"
      effect = "NoExecute"

will make the External Secret Operator to run on clusters nodes labeled with dedicated: edge.

The resulting helm release configuration, according to the terraform plan output would be like

# module.external_secrets_operator.helm_release.external_secrets_operator[0] will be created
  + resource "helm_release" "external_secrets_operator" {
      + atomic                     = false
      + chart                      = "external-secrets"
      + cleanup_on_fail            = false
      + create_namespace           = false
      + dependency_update          = false
      + disable_crd_hooks          = false
      + disable_openapi_validation = false
      + disable_webhooks           = false
      + force_update               = false
      + id                         = (known after apply)
      + lint                       = false
      + manifest                   = (known after apply)
      + max_history                = 0
      + metadata                   = (known after apply)
      + name                       = "external-secrets"
      + namespace                  = "es-operator"
      + pass_credentials           = false
      + recreate_pods              = false
      + render_subchart_notes      = true
      + replace                    = false
      + repository                 = ""
      + reset_values               = false
      + reuse_values               = false
      + skip_crds                  = false
      + status                     = "deployed"
      + timeout                    = 300
      + values                     = [
          + <<-EOT
                installCRDs: true
                - name: sa-token
                      defaultMode: 0644
                      - serviceAccountToken:
                          path: sa-token
                          expirationSeconds: 3600
                          audience: iam
                - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
                  name: sa-token
                  - name: sa-token
                      defaultMode: 0644
                      - serviceAccountToken:
                          path: sa-token
                          expirationSeconds: 3600
                          audience: iam
                  - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
                    name: sa-token
          + <<-EOT
                nodeSelector: { dedicated: edge }
                - key: dedicated
                  operator: Equal
                  value: edge
                  effect: NoExecute
                  nodeSelector: { dedicated: edge }
                  - key: dedicated
                    operator: Equal
                    value: edge
                    effect: NoExecute
                  nodeSelector: { dedicated: edge }
                  - key: dedicated
                    operator: Equal
                    value: edge
                    effect: NoExecute
      + verify                     = false
      + version                    = "0.9.7"
      + wait                       = true
      + wait_for_jobs              = false

Similarly exporting this environment variable

export TF_VAR_eso_cluster_nodes_configuration="{\"nodeSelector\": {\"label\": \"dedicated\", \"value\": \"transit\"}, \"tolerations\": {\"key\": \"dedicated\", \"operator\": \"Equal\", \"value\": \"transit\", \"effect\": \"NoExecute\"}}"

will make the External Secret Operator to run on clusters nodes labeled with dedicated: transit.

The default null value keeps the default ESO behaviour.

Example of Multitenancy configuration example in namespaced externalsecrets stores

To configure a set of tenants to be configured in their proper namespace (to achieve tenant isolation) you need simply to follow these steps:

  • deploy ESO in the cluster
module "external_secrets_operator" {
  source               = "terraform-ibm-modules/external-secrets-operator/ibm"
  version              = "1.0.0"
  eso_namespace     = var.eso_namespace # namespace to deploy ESO
  service_endpoints = var.service_endpoints # use public or private endpoints for IAM and Secrets Manager
  eso_cluster_nodes_configuration = <<the eso configuration for specific cluster nodes selection if needed - read above>>
  • create multiple SecretStore(s) in the proper namespaces

With api_key authentication mode

module "eso_namespace_secretstore_1" {
  depends_on = [
  source                      = "../modules/eso-secretstore"
  eso_authentication          = "api_key"
  region                      = local.sm_region # SM region
  sstore_namespace            = var.es_kubernetes_namespaces[2] # namespace to create the secret store
  sstore_secrets_manager_guid = local.sm_guid # the guid of the secrets manager instance to use
  sstore_store_name           = "${var.es_kubernetes_namespaces[2]}-store" # store name
  # to pull the secrets from SM
  sstore_secret_apikey        = data.ibm_sm_iam_credentials_secret.secret_puller_secret.api_key # pragma: allowlist secret
  service_endpoints           = var.service_endpoints
  sstore_helm_rls_name        = "es-store" # helm release name suffix to use for the store
  sstore_secret_name          = "generic-cluster-api-key" #checkov:skip=CKV_SECRET_6

With trusted_profile authentication mode

module "eso_namespace_secretstores" {
  depends_on = [
  source                      = "../modules/eso-secretstore"
  eso_authentication          = "trusted_profile"
  region                      = local.sm_region # SM region
  sstore_namespace            = kubernetes_namespace.examples[count.index].metadata[0].name # namespace to create the secret store
  sstore_secrets_manager_guid = local.sm_guid # the guid of the secrets manager instance to use
  sstore_store_name           = "${kubernetes_namespace.examples[count.index].metadata[0].name}-store" # store name
  sstore_trusted_profile_name = module.external_secrets_trusted_profiles[count.index].trusted_profile_name # trusted profile name to use into this secret store
  service_endpoints           = var.service_endpoints
  sstore_helm_rls_name        = "es-store-${count.index}" # helm release name suffix to use for the store
  sstore_secret_name          = "secretstore-api-key" #checkov:skip=CKV_SECRET_6

More details can be found in the examples linked below.

More information links

For more information about IAM Trusted profiles and ESO Multitenancy configuration please refer to

Important current limitation of ESO deployment

The current ESO version doesn't allow to customise the default IAM endpoint ( it uses when authenticating through apikey (api_key authentication) for both ClusterSecretStore and SecretStore APIs.

As a direct effect of this limitation, for a standard OCP cluster topology as defined by GoldenEye design (3 workers zones edge private and transit), an ESO deployment with api_key authentication configuration needs to be performed on the workers pool with access to the public network (dedicated: edge label in GE usual topology) to work fine. If the ESO deployment is performed on a workers pool without access to public network (i.e. to the apikey authentication is expected to fail.

Pod Reloader

When secrets are updated, depending on you configuration pods may need to be restarted to pick up the new secrets. To do this you can use the Stakater Reloader. By default, the module deploys this to watch for changes in secrets and configmaps and trigger a rolling update of the related pods. To have Reloader watch a secret or configMap add the annotation "true" to the secret or configMap, the same annotation can be added to deployments to have them restarted when the secret or configMap changes. When using the eso-external-secret submodule, use the reloader_watching variable to have the annotation added to the secret.

This can be further configured as needed, for more details see By default is watches all namespaces. If you do not need it please set reloader_deployed = false in the module call.


In the case of problems with secrets synchronization a good start point to the investigation is to list the externalsecrets resources in the cluster:

oc get externalsecrets -A
NAMESPACE       NAME                                                  AGE   STATUS   CAPABILITIES   READY
apikeynspace3   32m   Valid    ReadOnly       True
apikeynspace4   32m   Valid    ReadOnly       True
tpnspace1       32m   Valid    ReadOnly       True
tpnspace2       32m   Valid    ReadOnly       True

NAMESPACE   NAME                                                   AGE   STATUS   CAPABILITIES   READY
     32m   Valid    ReadOnly       True

NAMESPACE       NAME                                                                     STORE                 REFRESH INTERVAL   STATUS              READY
apikeynspace1                   cluster-store         1m                 SecretSyncedError   False
apikeynspace2                   cluster-store         5m                 SecretSyncedError   False
apikeynspace3                  apikeynspace3-store   1h                 SecretSyncedError   False
apikeynspace4                  apikeynspace4-store   1h                 SecretSyncedError   False
tpnspace1   tpnspace1-store       5m                 SecretSynced        True
tpnspace2   tpnspace2-store       5m                 SecretSynced        True

In the example above some of the externalsecrets are experiencing secrets synchronization errors. By describing them you should be able to identify the error:

oc describe externalsecret dockerconfigjson-uc -n apikeynspace1
Name:         dockerconfigjson-uc
Namespace:    apikeynspace1
Labels:       app=raw
Annotations: apikeynspace1-es-docker-uc
API Version:
Kind:         ExternalSecret
    Last Transition Time:  2023-06-27T15:18:31Z
    Message:               could not get secret data from provider
    Reason:                SecretSyncedError
    Status:                False
    Type:                  Ready
  Refresh Time:            <nil>
  Type     Reason        Age                  From              Message
  ----     ------        ----                 ----              -------
  Warning  UpdateFailed  119s (x13 over 28m)  external-secrets  An error occurred while performing the 'authenticate' step: Post "": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

In the output above there is a problem with reaching IAM endpoint (verify that the pods where ESO is running are able to reach that endpoint)

Important note

If you taint or destroy or simply make a change that needs the helm_release resource of the ESO operator to be deleted and recreated, this would make terraform to destroy the operator itself, including all the CRDs, which would destroy all the secrets synched through ESO, even if the helm_release resource of these CRDs aren't directly touched and terraform wouldn't be able to identify such a change. So in the case you plan to make changes to the operator helm_release once deployed, run preliminary a terraform plan to be sure that the release isn't destroyed and recreated.

Examples of the secrets format and layout

dockerconfigjson from arbitrary or iam_credentials

Secret Body >

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: dockerconfigjson-iam
  namespace: test-ns
  .dockerconfigjson: [BASE64ENCODED]

Base64 Decoded .dockerconfigson >

  "auths": {
    "": {
      "username": "iamapikey",
      "password": "APIKEYVALUE", # pragma: allowlist secret
      "email": "[email protected]"
dockerconfigjson from username_password

Secret Body >

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: dockerconfigjson-uc
  namespace: test-ns
  .dockerconfigjson: [BASE64ENCODED]

Base64 Decoded .dockerconfigson >

  "auths": {
    "": {
      "username": "[email protected]",
      "password": "APIKEYVALUE" # pragma: allowlist secret
opaque from arbitrary or iam_credentials

Secret Body >

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: opaque-arb
  namespace: test-ns
type: Opaque
  apikey: APIKEYVALUE # pragma: allowlist secret

opaque from username_password

Secret Body >

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: opaque-uc
  namespace: test-ns
type: Opaque
  username: test-user
  password: PASSWORDVALUE # pragma: allowlist secret


module "es_kubernetes_secret" {
  source                     = "../modules/eso-external-secret"
  es_kubernetes_secret_type = "dockerconfigjson"
  sm_secret_type = "iam_credentials"
  sm_secret_id = module.docker_config.serviceid_apikey_secret_id
  eso_setup = true
  es_kubernetes_namespaces = var.es_kubernetes_namespaces
  es_docker_email = "[email protected]"
  eso_generic_secret_apikey = data.ibm_secrets_manager_secret.secret_puller_secret.api_key # pragma: allowlist secret
  secrets_manager_guid = module.secrets_manager_iam_configuration.secrets_manager_guid
  region = "us-south"
  es_kubernetes_secret_name = "dockerconfigjson-iam"
  depends_on = [
  es_kubernetes_secret_data_key = "apiKey"
  es_helm_rls_name = "es-docker-iam"


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0.0
helm >= 2.11.0, < 3.0.0
kubernetes >= 2.16.1, < 3.0.0


Name Source Version
eso_namespace terraform-ibm-modules/namespace/ibm 1.0.2


Name Type
helm_release.external_secrets_operator resource
helm_release.pod_reloader resource
kubernetes_namespace.existing_eso_namespace data source


Name Description Type Default Required
eso_chart_location The location of the External Secrets Operator Helm chart. string "" no
eso_chart_version The version of the External Secrets Operator Helm chart. Ensure that the chart version is compatible with the image version specified in eso_image_version. string "0.14.3" no
eso_cluster_nodes_configuration Configuration to use to customise ESO deployment on specific cluster nodes. Setting appropriate values will result in customising ESO helm release. Default value is null to keep ESO standard deployment.
nodeSelector = object({
label = string
value = string
tolerations = object({
key = string
operator = string
value = string
effect = string
null no
eso_enroll_in_servicemesh Flag to enroll ESO into istio servicemesh bool false no
eso_image The External Secrets Operator image in the format of [registry-url]/[namespace]/[image]. string "" no
eso_image_version The version or digest for the external secrets image to deploy. If changing the value, ensure it is compatible with the chart version set in eso_chart_version. string "v0.14.3-ubi@sha256:3c4056251469f36188cda7c42b8b079a5ae16a71d937b03cfe868c2837cdf02c" no
eso_namespace Namespace to create and be used to install ESO components including helm releases. If eso_store_scope == cluster, this will also be used to deploy ClusterSecretStore/cluster_store in it string null no
eso_pod_configuration Configuration to use to customise ESO deployment on specific pods. Setting appropriate values will result in customising ESO helm release. Default value is {} to keep ESO standard deployment. Ignore the key if not required.
annotations = optional(object({
# The annotations for external secret controller pods.
external_secrets = optional(map(string), {})
# The annotations for external secret cert controller pods.
external_secrets_cert_controller = optional(map(string), {})
# The annotations for external secret controller pods.
external_secrets_webhook = optional(map(string), {})
}), {})

labels = optional(object({
# The labels for external secret controller pods.
external_secrets = optional(map(string), {})
# The labels for external secret cert controller pods.
external_secrets_cert_controller = optional(map(string), {})
# The labels for external secret controller pods.
external_secrets_webhook = optional(map(string), {})
}), {})
{} no
existing_eso_namespace Existing Namespace to be used to install ESO components including helm releases. If eso_store_scope == cluster, this will also be used to deploy ClusterSecretStore/cluster_store in it string null no
reloader_chart_location The location of the Reloader Helm chart. string "" no
reloader_chart_version The version of the Reloader Helm chart. Ensure that the chart version is compatible with the image version specified in reloader_image_version. string "1.3.0" no
reloader_custom_values String containing custom values to be used for reloader helm chart. See string null no
reloader_deployed Whether to deploy reloader or not bool true no
reloader_ignore_configmaps Whether to ignore configmap changes or not bool false no
reloader_ignore_secrets Whether to ignore secret changes or not bool false no
reloader_image The reloader image in the format of [registry-url]/[namespace]/[image]. string "" no
reloader_image_version The version or digest for the reloader image to deploy. If changing the value, ensure it is compatible with the chart version set in reloader_chart_version. string "v1.3.0-ubi@sha256:21bb83e9cf5641620b6a48de1a7e1a0676f438f3b32004c19ea03b55a98bc756" no
reloader_is_argo_rollouts Enable Argo Rollouts bool false no
reloader_is_openshift Enable OpenShift DeploymentConfigs bool true no
reloader_log_format The log format to use for reloader. Possible values are json or text. Default value is json string "text" no
reloader_namespaces_selector List of comma separated label selectors, if multiple are provided they are combined with the AND operator string null no
reloader_namespaces_to_ignore List of comma separated namespaces to ignore for reloader. If multiple are provided they are combined with the AND operator string null no
reloader_pod_monitor_metrics Enable to scrape Reloader's Prometheus metrics bool false no
reloader_reload_on_create Enable reload on create events bool true no
reloader_reload_strategy The reload strategy to use for reloader. Possible values are env-vars or annotations. Default value is annotations string "annotations" no
reloader_resource_label_selector List of comma separated label selectors, if multiple are provided they are combined with the AND operator string null no
reloader_resources_to_ignore List of comma separated resources to ignore for reloader. If multiple are provided they are combined with the AND operator string null no
reloader_sync_after_restart Enable sync after Reloader restarts for Add events, works only when reloadOnCreate is true bool true no


No outputs.


You can report issues and request features for this module in GitHub issues in the module repo. See Report an issue or request a feature.

To set up your local development environment, see Local development setup in the project documentation.


  1. es_kubernetes_secret_type: The Kubernetes Secrets type or format that ESO installs in the cluster.

  2. sm_secret_type: IBM Cloud Secrets Manager secret type that is used as source data by ESO.

  3. external_secret_type: The secret type that is used by ESO.