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Creates virtual servers across subnets in a single VPC connected by a single security group. Supports floating IP addresses and multiple load balancers.


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IBM Secure Landing Zone VPC module

Graduated (Supported) semantic-release pre-commit latest release Renovate enabled

This module creates the following IBM Cloud® Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network components:

  • VPC: Creates a VPC in a resource group and supports classic access. The VPC and components are specified in the file.
  • Public gateways: Optionally create public gateways in the VPC in each of the three zones of the VPC's region.
  • Subnets: Create one to three zones in the file.
  • Network ACLs: Create network ACLs with multiple rules. By default, VPC network ACLs can have no more than 25 rules.
  • VPN gateways: Create VPN gateways on your subnets by using the vpn_gateways variable. For more information about VPN gateways on VPC, see About site-to-site VPN gateways in the IBM Cloud docs.
  • VPN gateway connections: Add connections to a VPN gateway.
  • Hub and spoke DNS-sharing model: Optionally create a hub or spoke VPC, with associated custom resolver and DNS resolution binding, as well as a service-to-service authorization policy which supports the hub and spoke VPCs to be in separate accounts. See About DNS sharing for VPE gateways in the IBM Cloud docs for details.





In addition to this root module, this repository provides two submodules that call the root module with presets and defaults that are aligned with the general Framework for Financial Services management and workload VPC topologies. See the modules for details.


module vpc {
  source              = "terraform-ibm-modules/landing-zone-vpc/ibm"
  version             = "X.X.X" # Replace "X.X.X" with a release version to lock into a specific release
  resource_group_id   = "xxXXxxXXxXxXXXXxxXxxxXXXXxXXXXX"
  region              = "us-south"
  prefix              = "my-test"
  tags                = ["tag1", "tag2"]
  vpc_name            = "my-vpc"
  classic_access      = true
  network_acls = [
      name                         = "acl1"
      add_ibm_cloud_internal_rules = true
      add_vpc_connectivity_rules   = true
      prepend_ibm_rules            = true
      rules = [
          name        = "rule1"
          action      = "allow"
          direction   = "inbound"
          source      = ""
          destination = ""
          tcp = {
            port_min        = 80
            port_max        = 80
            source_port_min = 1024
            source_port_max = 65535
  use_public_gateways = {
    zone-1 = true
  subnets = {
    zone-1 = [
        name           = "subnet1"
        cidr           = ""
        public_gateway = true
        acl_name       = "acl1"
  vpn_gateways        = ["vpn-gateway1", "vpn-gateway2"]

Resource naming

The module automatically generates names for the all provisioned VPC resources using the var.prefix input variable. You can selectively override this behavior by giving explicit names through the following input variables: name (for VPC name), dns_binding_name, dns_instance_name, dns_custom_resolver_name, routing_table_name, public_gateway_name, and vpc_flow_logs_name.


You can create a maximum of three zones in the file. The zones are defined as lists in the file, and then are converted to objects before the resources are provisioned. The conversion ensures that the addition or deletion of subnets affects only the added or deleted subnets, as shown in the following example.


Required IAM access policies

You need the following permissions to run this module.

  • IAM services
    • VPC Infrastructure services
      • Editor platform access
    • No service access
      • Resource Group <your resource group>
      • Viewer resource group access

To attach access management tags to resources in this module, you need the following permissions.

  • IAM Services
    • Tagging service
      • Administrator platform access


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3.0
ibm >= 1.59.0, < 2.0.0
time >= 0.9.1, < 1.0.0


Name Source Version
dynamic_values ./dynamic_values n/a
unit_tests ./dynamic_values n/a


Name Type
ibm_dns_custom_resolver.custom_resolver_hub resource
ibm_iam_authorization_policy.policy resource
ibm_iam_authorization_policy.vpc_dns_resolution_auth_policy resource
ibm_is_flow_log.flow_logs resource
ibm_is_network_acl.network_acl resource
ibm_is_public_gateway.gateway resource
ibm_is_security_group_rule.default_vpc_rule resource
ibm_is_subnet.subnet resource
ibm_is_subnet_public_gateway_attachment.exist_subnet_gw resource
ibm_is_vpc.vpc resource
ibm_is_vpc_address_prefix.address_prefixes resource
ibm_is_vpc_address_prefix.subnet_prefix resource
ibm_is_vpc_dns_resolution_binding.vpc_dns_resolution_binding_crn resource
ibm_is_vpc_dns_resolution_binding.vpc_dns_resolution_binding_id resource
ibm_is_vpc_routing_table.route_table resource
ibm_is_vpc_routing_table_route.routing_table_routes resource
ibm_resource_instance.dns_instance_hub resource
time_sleep.wait_for_authorization_policy resource
time_sleep.wait_for_vpc_creation_data resource
ibm_iam_account_settings.iam_account_settings data source
ibm_is_subnet.subnet data source
ibm_is_vpc.vpc data source
ibm_is_vpc_address_prefixes.get_address_prefixes data source


Name Description Type Default Required
access_tags A list of access tags to apply to the VPC resources created by the module. For more information, see list(string) [] no
address_prefixes OPTIONAL - IP range that will be defined for the VPC for a certain location. Use only with manual address prefixes
zone-1 = optional(list(string))
zone-2 = optional(list(string))
zone-3 = optional(list(string))
"zone-1": null,
"zone-2": null,
"zone-3": null
classic_access OPTIONAL - Classic Access to the VPC bool false no
clean_default_sg_acl Remove all rules from the default VPC security group and VPC ACL (less permissive) bool false no
create_authorization_policy_vpc_to_cos Create authorisation policy for VPC to access COS. Set as false if authorization policy exists already bool false no
create_subnets Indicates whether user wants to use existing subnets or create new. Set it to true to create new subnets. bool true no
create_vpc Indicates whether user wants to use an existing vpc or create a new one. Set it to true to create a new vpc bool true no
default_network_acl_name OPTIONAL - Name of the Default ACL. If null, a name will be automatically generated string null no
default_routing_table_name OPTIONAL - Name of the Default Routing Table. If null, a name will be automatically generated string null no
default_security_group_name OPTIONAL - Name of the Default Security Group. If null, a name will be automatically generated string null no
dns_binding_name The name to give the provisioned VPC DNS resolution binding. If not set, the module generates a name based on the prefix and name variables. string null no
dns_custom_resolver_name The name to give the provisioned DNS custom resolver instance. If not set, the module generates a name based on the prefix and name variables. string null no
dns_instance_name The name to give the provisioned DNS instance. If not set, the module generates a name based on the prefix and name variables. string null no
dns_location The target location or environment for the DNS instance created to host the custom resolver in a hub-spoke DNS resolution topology. Only used if enable_hub is true and skip_custom_resolver_hub_creation is false (defaults). string "global" no
dns_plan The plan for the DNS resource instance created to host the custom resolver in a hub-spoke DNS resolution topology. Only used if enable_hub is true and skip_custom_resolver_hub_creation is false (defaults). string "standard-dns" no
enable_hub Indicates whether this VPC is enabled as a DNS name resolution hub. bool false no
enable_hub_vpc_crn Indicates whether Hub VPC CRN is passed. bool false no
enable_hub_vpc_id Indicates whether Hub VPC ID is passed. bool false no
enable_vpc_flow_logs Flag to enable vpc flow logs. If true, flow log collector will be created bool false no
existing_cos_instance_guid GUID of the COS instance to create Flow log collector string null no
existing_dns_instance_id Id of an existing dns instance in which the custom resolver is created. Only relevant if enable_hub is set to true. string null no
existing_storage_bucket_name Name of the COS bucket to collect VPC flow logs string null no
existing_subnets The detail of the existing subnets and required mappings to other resources. Required if 'create_subnets' is false.
id = string
public_gateway = optional(bool, false)
[] no
existing_vpc_id The ID of the existing vpc. Required if 'create_vpc' is false. string null no
hub_account_id ID of the hub account for DNS resolution, required if 'skip_spoke_auth_policy' is false. string null no
hub_vpc_crn Indicates the crn of the hub VPC for DNS resolution. See Mutually exclusive with hub_vpc_id. string null no
hub_vpc_id Indicates the id of the hub VPC for DNS resolution. See Mutually exclusive with hub_vpc_crn. string null no
is_flow_log_collector_active Indicates whether the collector is active. If false, this collector is created in inactive mode. bool true no
manual_servers The DNS server addresses to use for the VPC, replacing any existing servers. All the entries must either have a unique zone_affinity, or not have a zone_affinity.
address = string
zone_affinity = optional(string)
[] no
name Used for the naming of the VPC (if create_vpc is set to true), as well as in the naming for any resources created inside the VPC (unless using one of the optional variables for explicit control over naming). string n/a yes
network_acls The list of ACLs to create. Provide at least one rule for each ACL.
name = string
add_ibm_cloud_internal_rules = optional(bool)
add_vpc_connectivity_rules = optional(bool)
prepend_ibm_rules = optional(bool)
rules = list(
name = string
action = string
destination = string
direction = string
source = string
tcp = optional(
port_max = optional(number)
port_min = optional(number)
source_port_max = optional(number)
source_port_min = optional(number)
udp = optional(
port_max = optional(number)
port_min = optional(number)
source_port_max = optional(number)
source_port_min = optional(number)
icmp = optional(
type = optional(number)
code = optional(number)
"add_ibm_cloud_internal_rules": true,
"add_vpc_connectivity_rules": true,
"name": "vpc-acl",
"prepend_ibm_rules": true,
"rules": []
network_cidrs List of Network CIDRs for the VPC. This is used to manage network ACL rules for cluster provisioning. list(string)
prefix The value that you would like to prefix to the name of the resources provisioned by this module. Explicitly set to null if you do not wish to use a prefix. This value is ignored if using one of the optional variables for explicit control over naming. string null no
public_gateway_name The name to give the provisioned VPC public gateways. If not set, the module generates a name based on the prefix and name variables. string null no
region The region to which to deploy the VPC string n/a yes
resolver_type Resolver type. Can be system or manual. For delegated resolver type, see the update_delegated_resolver variable instead. string null no
resource_group_id The resource group ID where the VPC to be created string n/a yes
routes OPTIONAL - Allows you to specify the next hop for packets based on their destination address
name = string
route_direct_link_ingress = optional(bool)
route_transit_gateway_ingress = optional(bool)
route_vpc_zone_ingress = optional(bool)
routes = optional(
action = optional(string)
zone = number
destination = string
next_hop = string
[] no
routing_table_name The name to give the provisioned routing tables. If not set, the module generates a name based on the prefix and name variables. string null no
security_group_rules A list of security group rules to be added to the default vpc security group (default empty)
name = string
direction = string
remote = string
tcp = optional(
port_max = optional(number)
port_min = optional(number)
udp = optional(
port_max = optional(number)
port_min = optional(number)
icmp = optional(
type = optional(number)
code = optional(number)
[] no
skip_custom_resolver_hub_creation Indicates whether to skip the configuration of a custom resolver in the hub VPC. Only relevant if enable_hub is set to true. bool false no
skip_spoke_auth_policy Set to true to skip the creation of an authorization policy between the DNS resolution spoke and hub, only enable this if a policy already exists between these two VPCs. See for more details. bool false no
subnets List of subnets for the vpc. For each item in each array, a subnet will be created. Items can be either CIDR blocks or total ipv4 addressess. Public gateways will be enabled only in zones where a gateway has been created
zone-1 = list(object({
name = string
cidr = string
public_gateway = optional(bool)
acl_name = string
no_addr_prefix = optional(bool, false) # do not automatically add address prefix for subnet, overrides other conditions if set to true
zone-2 = optional(list(object({
name = string
cidr = string
public_gateway = optional(bool)
acl_name = string
no_addr_prefix = optional(bool, false) # do not automatically add address prefix for subnet, overrides other conditions if set to true
zone-3 = optional(list(object({
name = string
cidr = string
public_gateway = optional(bool)
acl_name = string
no_addr_prefix = optional(bool, false) # do not automatically add address prefix for subnet, overrides other conditions if set to true
"zone-1": [
"acl_name": "vpc-acl",
"cidr": "",
"name": "subnet-a",
"no_addr_prefix": false,
"public_gateway": true
"zone-2": [
"acl_name": "vpc-acl",
"cidr": "",
"name": "subnet-b",
"no_addr_prefix": false,
"public_gateway": true
"zone-3": [
"acl_name": "vpc-acl",
"cidr": "",
"name": "subnet-c",
"no_addr_prefix": false,
"public_gateway": false
tags List of Tags for the resource created list(string) null no
update_delegated_resolver If set to true, and if the vpc is configured to be a spoke for DNS resolution (enable_hub_vpc_crn or enable_hub_vpc_id set), then the spoke VPC resolver will be updated to a delegated resolver. bool false no
use_existing_dns_instance Whether to use an existing dns instance. If true, existing_dns_instance_id must be set. bool false no
use_public_gateways Create a public gateway in any of the three zones with true.
zone-1 = optional(bool)
zone-2 = optional(bool)
zone-3 = optional(bool)
"zone-1": true,
"zone-2": false,
"zone-3": false
vpc_flow_logs_name The name to give the provisioned VPC flow logs. If not set, the module generates a name based on the prefix and name variables. string null no


Name Description
cidr_blocks List of CIDR blocks present in VPC stack
custom_resolver_hub The custom resolver created for the hub vpc. Only set if enable_hub is set and skip_custom_resolver_hub_creation is false.
dns_custom_resolver_id The ID of the DNS Custom Resolver.
dns_endpoint_gateways_by_crn The list of VPEs that are made available for DNS resolution in the created VPC. Only set if enable_hub is false and enable_hub_vpc_id are true.
dns_endpoint_gateways_by_id The list of VPEs that are made available for DNS resolution in the created VPC. Only set if enable_hub is false and enable_hub_vpc_id are true.
dns_instance_id The ID of the DNS instance.
network_acls List of shortnames and IDs of network ACLs
public_gateways Map of public gateways by zone
subnet_detail_list A list of subnets containing names, CIDR blocks, and zones.
subnet_detail_map A map of subnets containing IDs, CIDR blocks, and zones
subnet_ids The IDs of the subnets
subnet_zone_list A list containing subnet IDs and subnet zones
vpc_crn CRN of VPC created
vpc_data Data of the VPC used in this module, created or existing.
vpc_flow_logs Details of VPC flow logs collector
vpc_id ID of VPC created
vpc_name Name of VPC created


You can report issues and request features for this module in GitHub issues in the module repo. See Report an issue or request a feature.

To set up your local development environment, see Local development setup in the project documentation.