This document describes the Terraform module that creates multiple Ncloud Auto Scaling Groups.
You need to create
and copy & paste the variable declaration below.
You can change the variable name to whatever you want.
variable "auto_scaling_groups" {
type = list(object({
name = string
launch_configuration_name = optional(string, null)
vpc_name = optional(string, null)
subnet_name = optional(string, null)
access_control_group_names = optional(list(string), []) // if set "default", then "default access control group" will be set.
server_name_prefix = string
min_size = optional(number, 0)
max_size = optional(number, 0)
desired_capacity = optional(number, null)
ignore_capacity_changes = optional(bool, false) // if set "true", any changes of "min_size", "max_size" and "desired_capacity" after first creation will be ignored .
default_cooldown = optional(number, 300)
health_check_type_code = optional(string, "SVR") // SVR | LOADB
health_check_grace_period = optional(number, 300) // required when health_check_type_code = "LOADB"
target_group_names = optional(list(string), []) // valid only for health_check_type_code = "LOADB"
policies = optional(list(object({
name = string
adjustment_type_code = string // ChangeInCapacity | PercentChangeInCapacity | ExactCapacity. or it can be one of CHANG | PRCNT | EXACT.
scaling_adjustment = number // positive(n) to increase | negative(-n) to decreate. negative value can be set only for "ChangeInCapacity (CHANG) | PercentChangeInCapacity (PRCNT)"
min_adjustment_step = optional(number, null) // valid only for adjustment_type_code = "PercentChangeInCapacity | PRCNT"
cooldown = optional(number, 300)
})), [])
schedules = optional(list(object({
name = string
min_size = number
max_size = number
desired_capacity = number
start_time = optional(string, null) // format : yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (for example : 2022-11-04T15:00:00+0900).
end_time = optional(string, null) // format : yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ (for example : 2022-11-08T15:00:00+0900).
recurrence = optional(string, null) // format : crontab (for example : 0 0 * * *)
time_zone = optional(string, "KST")
})), [])
default = []
You can create a terraform.tfvars
and refer to the sample below to write the variable specification you want.
File name can be terraform.tfvars
or anything ending in .auto.tfvars
It must exactly match the variable name above.
auto_scaling_groups = [
name = "asg-foo"
launch_configuration_name = "lc-foo"
vpc_name = "vpc-foo"
subnet_name = "sbn-foo-public-1"
access_control_group_names = ["default", "acg-foo-public"]
server_name_prefix = "asg-foo"
min_size = 1
max_size = 3
desired_capacity = 1
ignore_capacity_changes = true
default_cooldown = 300
health_check_type_code = "SVR"
policies = [
name = "scale-up"
adjustment_type_code = "ChangeInCapacity"
scaling_adjustment = 1
schedules = [
name = "every-day"
min_size = 0
max_size = 0
desired_capacity = 0
recurrence = "0 0 * * *"
Map your Auto Scaling Group variable name
to a local Auto Scaling Group variable
. Auto Scaling Group module
are created using local Auto Scaling Group variables
. This eliminates the need to change the variable name reference structure in the Auto Scaling Group module
locals {
auto_scaling_groups = var.auto_scaling_groups
Then just copy & paste the module declaration below.
module "auto_scaling_groups" {
source = "terraform-ncloud-modules/auto-scaling-group/ncloud"
for_each = { for asg in local.auto_scaling_groups : => asg }
name =
// you can use "launch_configuration_name", then module will find "launch_configuration_id" from datasource.
launch_configuration_name = each.value.launch_configuration_name
// or use only "launch_configuration_id" instead for inter-module reference structure.
# launch_configuration_id = module.launch_configurations[each.value.launch_configuration_name]
// you can use "vpc_name" and "subnet_name", then module will find "subnet_id" from datasource.
vpc_name = each.value.vpc_name
subnet_name = each.value.subnet_name
// or use only "subnet_id" instead for inter-module reference structure.
# subnet_id = module.vpcs[each.value.vpc_name].subnets[each.value.subnet_name].id
// you can use "access_control_group_names", then module will find "access_control_group_ids" from datasource.
access_control_group_names = each.value.access_control_group_names
// or use only "access_control_group_ids" instead for inter-module reference structure.
# access_control_group_ids = [ for acg_name in each.value.access_control_group_names : module.vpcs[each.value.vpc_name].access_control_groups[acg_name].id ]
server_name_prefix = each.value.server_name_prefix
min_size = each.value.min_size
max_size = each.value.max_size
desired_capacity = each.value.desired_capacity
ignore_capacity_changes = each.value.ignore_capacity_changes
default_cooldown = each.value.default_cooldown
health_check_type_code = each.value.health_check_type_code
health_check_grace_period = each.value.health_check_grace_period
// you can use "target_group_names", then module will find "target_group_ids" from datasource.
target_group_names = each.value.target_group_names
// or use only "target_group_ids" instead for inter-module reference structure.
# target_group_ids = [ for tg_name in each.value.target_group_names : module.target_groups[tg_name] ]
policies = each.value.policies
schedules = each.value.schedules