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tesserahub edited this page Mar 12, 2013 · 1 revision

Quickgame uses JSON data passed through websockets to communicate between the client and server. Each message is a JSON object of the form {"kind": [KIND], "data": [DATA]}. Below lists all currently supported message types, in the form [KIND]: [DATA]


  • members: {players, others}. A list of players (in order) and a list of other members.
  • gamestate: Object encoding of the game state (specific to each game)
  • message: String message from server


  • update: No data. Sent by the client in order to force the server to send data to the client.
  • changerole: Number specifying the role to take. Sent by the client to request a change of player role.
  • changename: String specifying the name to take. Sent by the client to request a change in name (multiple people in the room can have the same name).
  • move: Object encoding of a single move (specific to each game). Sent by the client to request a move.
  • start: No data. Request the game be started or resumed.
  • stop: No data. Request that the game be stopped so a new one can begin.
  • chat: String chat message from the client.
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