Releases: textbrowser/biblioteq
Releases · textbrowser/biblioteq
Version 2025.03.01
Release Notes
- Allow Qt PDF. If Poppler is available, Poppler is applied. If Qt PDF is available, Qt PDF is applied.
- Hide book download image buttons for non-editable items.
- New progress information in the main window's status bar. Some queries may not be timely.
- PostgreSQL 15.12.1; Windows.
Version 2025.02.10
Release Notes
- Display an item's front-cover image in its page tab.
- Uniform tab sizes.
Version 2025.02.05
Release Notes
- Corrected background colors of BiblioteQ Table Field Name widgets in CSV Import Browser. The discovery process is more relaxed. Some items may be incorrect regardless.
- New Select Images button for photograph collections.
- PostgreSQL 15.10.3 on Windows.
- Removed as is suitable. Modern distributions please.
- Removed as is suitable.
- Removed as is suitable.
- Removed as is suitable.
- Translate newlines into <br> tags during a CSV export.
- Trim exceptional newlines in hyperlinks. That is, "A\n\n\n\n\nB" becomes "A<br>B".
Version 2024.12.20
Release Notes
- Also read Item Pages menu in the main window. This brevity was not mentioned in the 2024.12.01 release notes.
- Android people shall be burdened with ARM32 and ARM64 bundles. So much lovely work.
- BiblioteQ contains at least 127 options.
- CSV Import Browser: new post-import script with a memory.
- Corrected discovery and separation of tabbed search windows. The discovery process did not set the current tab page to that of the discovered item while the separation process did not center the separated window.
- Corrected selection of icon items. Whenever an item is selected in the main table, its icon representation is also selected. The coordinates of the icon item must be translated to its scene's coordinates system.
- Denote interrupted preview in CSV Import Browser.
- Drop-shadow-effects on graphics items.
- Enable tool tips on graphics items. Remember, Other Options -> Main Window -> Show Table Tool Tips must be enabled.
- Final LTS release of 2024. See YOU!
- Final release of Linux packages. Future: Android, MacOS, Windows. See YOU!
- Highlight BiblioteQ Field Name widgets in CSV Import Browser if mismatches occur.
- LTS release.
- LTS version information in About.
- Let's repeat. Paged items!
- Merry something to someone who may be merry.
- New --help terminal option.
- New Edit -> Select All.
- New Options -> Download Version Information After Launch. Off.
- New Other Options -> Scripts. The values will be available in CSV Import Browser and Tools -> External Applications; sorted and unique. Icons available in External Applications actions.
- Paste buttons in book images. GitHub ticket #386.
- Pretty rounded borders on some images.
- Qt 6.8.1 LTS on Android.
- Qt 6.8.1 LTS on MacOS.
- Qt 6.8.1 LTS on Windows.
- Qup releases in the hopeful future.
- Removed the Ctrl + A shortcuts from photographs as the shortcuts will interfere with the wordly shortcut.
- Replaced the dull selection border on a graphics item with a sassy geometric shape.
- Second entry in the 2024.12.01 release notes: Kubuntu -> KDE.
- Super fast selection of large table sets via Ctrl + A.
- The newest version in postgresql_update_schema.sql should be 2024.12.01.
- Wider progress dialogs.
- Will BiblioteQ reach a quarter of a century of awesomeness? Maybe, maybe not. We simply do not know!
Version 2024.12.01
Release Notes
- 261 releases of BiblioteQ!
- A style of Breeze is the preferred style of for Kubuntu. Otherwise, Fusion is the preferred style.
- Abundant constants. Please report weird events.
- Added DROP statements in postgresql_destroy_schema.sql. Not a single sprite ushered a complaint.
- Allow only unique items in Batch Activities Browser -> Discover. Uniqueness is defined via the Identifier column.
- Awesome button colors. The previous edition featured buttons having full colors.
- Batch Activities is incomplete regarding reservation histories. That is, history entries were not created for borrowed items. GitHub ticket #373.
- CSV Import Browser: guess BiblioteQ Table Field Name values according to the contents of the CSV file. GitHub tickets #376, #385.
- CSV Import Browser: highlight CSV Preview cells in Templates table. Cells are highlighted if values are missing or present. GitHub ticket #376.
- CSV Import Browser: optionally refresh the main window's view after an import event of Template 1 and Template 2. A prompt is displayed if at least one item is imported. Books category.
- CSV Import Browser: replaced Templates signal current-index-changed() with activated().
- CSV Import Browser: writable CSV File widget.
- Corrected Deleting debug plugins may delete required plugins files in the install target. Qt 6.5 LTS has separated the debug and release files and the additional logic in is not necessary. GitHub tickets #374, #375.
- Disable the Go! button in Batch Activities Browser if the current page is Discover.
- Display a reminder if a requested item has been returned on SQLite. Other Options -> SQLite. GitHub ticket #350.
- Display all reserved items in the main table if the Batch Activities Browser -> Return table is empty during a Go! event.
- Include the account's database role in the main window's title for a PostgreSQL connection.
- Include the member's identifier in Member's Reservation History window title.
- Into the never-future with Poppler and Qt.
- List number of lines in CSV; CSV Import Browser.
- Missing Qt TLS libraries / plugins on Windows. Also read item covering GitHub tickets #374, #375.
- New --prepare-csv-import-file terminal option.
- New Options -> Center Child Windows. Most windows and some dialogs.
- New Options -> Patron Reservation History.
- New Options -> Tabbed Item Windows. Enabled. New windows only.
- New Other Options -> Main Window -> Only UTF-8 Printable Text. If enabled, cell text in the main window will only contain printable UTF-8 characters.
- New no_image.png image.
- New terminal option --open-sqlite-database-index index, where index is the index of the entry in the Recent SQLite Files menu. First index is one.
- Optional progress dialogs in CSV Import Browser. The process is inactive and may be completed later. GitHub ticket #384.
- Poppler and Qt 6. Poppler is an exterior product covering PDF documents.
- Populate entries in the Recent SQLite Files menu with values adjusted with QFileInfo.
- PostgreSQL 15.10.1; Windows.
- PostgreSQL: grant delete on item_borrower to biblioteq_librarian.
- QSqlQueryModel::setQuery() has a new signature since Qt 6.2.
- Record and restore window geometries: Batch Activity Browser, CSV Import Browser, Database Enumerations Browser, Merge SQLite Databases, Other Options, Query History. Geometries are restored before windows are optionally centered.
- Removed GNOME-specific geometry instructions.
- Retrieve the absolute file paths for arguments of --special-executable and --special-executable-icon.
- SRU@France is now HTTPS in biblioteq.conf.
- Set the height of the member dialog as maximum(-100 + m_members_diag->height(), userinfo_diag->sizeHint().height()).
- Sort Recent SQLite Files entries.
- Spelling corrections in this document.
- Tabbed item windows! Please report glitches.
- The method biblioteq_misc_functions::isbn13to10() will now produce the original string if the string does not begin with 978. GitHub ticket #350.
- The sample CSV file (Data/BiblioteQ.csv) now reflects the sample SQLite database (Data/BiblioteQ.sqlite) with respect to books.
- Trim header strings in CSV Import Browser. The strings are trimmed for both the CSV Preview and Templates tables.
- Utilize either ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 for Copy Browser and Item Reservation Status; first available value.
Version 2024.06.30
Release Notes
- 260 releases of BiblioteQ!
- Archived biblioteq_architecture.h and replaced with QSysInfo::buildCpuArchitecture().
- Cell colors. Please see Other Options -> Main Window -> Special Value Colors. GitHub ticket #369. True-equality comparisons are performed. Fast, super fast.
- Consider PostgreSQL's libpq location on Apple Silicon.
- Corrected item reservation for PostgreSQL. Please drop the delete_request() function as it is incomplete.
- Display a reminder if a requested item has been returned. PostgreSQL for now. GitHub ticket #350.
- Final traditional release. Future releases provided through Qup.
- First LTS of 2024?
- Include hh:mm:ss in item-request date.
- Non-modal About dialog.
- PostgreSQL 15.7.2; Windows.
- QSqlQueryModel::setQuery() has a new signature since Qt 6.2. MacOS and Windows releases will include the new signature. This item will be included in future release notes.
- Resize other windows at about 95% of the main window's size.
- Select the appropriate member in the Members Browser when an item is prepared for reservation. For example, an item is selected in the main window and the Reserve Selected Item button is clicked.
- The file postgresql_update_schema.sql's last entry's date is incorrect. The correct date is 2024.06.30.
Qup Releases
Qup Release Files
Version 2024.04.30
Release Notes
- 259 releases of BiblioteQ; here and there. A pleasant approximation.
- 676 Dewey Number and Z39.50 Unimarc. GitHub ticket #344.
- Added sslcompression=1 to connection_options in biblioteq.conf. PostgreSQL only.
- Completed C++ enumerator classes. Please discover errors.
- Corrected INI recording of availability colors in Other Options -> Main Window. Do not neglect sorted columns! GitHub ticket #357.
- Corrected INI recording of date formats in Other Options -> Items. Do not neglect sorted columns! GitHub ticket #357.
- Correctly committed Database Enumerations Browser data will cause automatic population of existing interfaces. Please note that BiblioteQ will make a best effort at preserving current values of existing interfaces.
- Database Enumerations Browser: replaced combination box widgets in the Locations table with item delegates. The revision resolves a peculiar Qt warning "edit: editing failed". The problem is encountered during tab-key navigation. Please also read the TO-DO document.
- Disabled sorting in Database Enumerations Browser -> Reservations Minimum Days. GitHub ticket #362.
- Display all items in Database Enumerations Browser -> Section combination box widget.
- Display an error message if the PostgreSQL library provided by Homebrew is not available on MacOS.
- Display formatted dates for all queries in the main window.
- Do not translate Type fields in the Database Enumeration Browser's Locations and Reservations Minimum Days. The Type field represents a database value and items are located through it. GitHub ticket #360.
- Introduced loop-unrolling in project files for some distributions.
- Organized source. Please review and submit corrections.
- Other Options: do not record colors names as Latin in the INI file. Instead, record colors names as presented.
- Removed all QSettings::sync() instances.
- Removed duplicate mnemonics from all interfaces.
- Removed inactive Help menu from CSV Import Browser. Seriously!
- Renamed some INI keys: otheroptions/book_date_format -> otheroptions/date_format. Please review Other Options -> Items.
- Replaced QString(tr()) with tr().
- Restore a normal cursor if qmain is not available in biblioteq_otheroptions::prepareShortcuts(). Very awful and very unlikely.
- Scroll to the bottom of the list and table widgets whenever new entries are created in the Database Enumerations Browser.
- This is a happy release in a world of calamity.
Version 2024.03.25
Release Notes
- A style of Breeze is the preferred style of
- Animated confirmations:
- Copies Browser
- Custom Query
- Other Options
- Block signals in biblioteq_misc_functions::sortCombinationBox() before modifying the contents of the combination box widget.
- Completed system icons for items.
- DVDs, photograph collections, video games and global fonts.
- Enumerator classes here and there.
- Improved text search in documentation class.
- Let's consider active confirmations. Many, if not all, of the interactions with BiblioteQ result in negative or positive confirmations. A negative confirmation results in an error dialog and / or a log entry. Now, a negative result will also be in the form of an animated push button. Similarly, a positive result will be in the form of an animated push button. An animated widget is a widget which provides an animated background color such as crimson or red, or some variation.
- New notes database fields.
- Notes are now available in copy editors.
- PostgreSQL 15.6.1 for Windows.
- Sort item types in Database Enumerations combination boxes.
- Sort strings of combination boxes in copy editors.
Version 2024.02.29
Release Notes
- A source-only release during an elongated February on a lunatic planet.
- Added missing period in release notes.
- Animated negative and positive indicators on some panels. GitHub ticket #348.
- Beautified the source. Please discover errors.
- Center Member-Create / Member-Modify panel with respect to its parent.
- Corrected embedded searches. Problems caused by favorites.
- Enumerator classes here and there.
- New --special-executable-icon. GitHub ticket #347.
- New Other Options -> Display -> Icon Set. System icons may not be available everywhere. Incomplete.
- PowerPC may require future tweaks because of legacy Qt.
- Removed Document Changes section from BiblioteQ.odt.
- Removed redundant clear() instances.
- Replaced QString(tr()) with tr(). Incomplete.
- Replaced SHA1 with SHA3-512. New data only.
- Resize photograph panel at about 95% of parent's size.
- Sprinkled icons.
- This release is dedicated to the linguistic Mr. D. See you.
- Uniform widget widths, here and there.