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Splunk for Nagios

   * Splunk for Nagios integrates the open source monitoring solution "Nagios" with Splunk
   * Features:
     * Schedule Saved Searches in Splunk to send alerts to Nagios
     * Status Dashboard featuring recent Warning and Critical Alerts and Notifications
     * Alerts Dashboard with an auto-populating drop-down list of device names to easily display relevant alert history
     * Host Dashboards with Graphs of metal level metrics (CPU, Memory, Swap, Load, Disk Usage, Network Interface Utilization, Processes, etc) sourced from Nagios Plugin Performance Data (Linux, AIX, BSD and Windows hosts supported)
     * NAS Dashboards with Graphs of Storage Usage, Quota Usage, SAVVOL Usage, Connections by Protocol, etc (EMC Isilon and Celerra supported)
     * Cisco Network Dashboards with Graphs of Network Interface Utilization, CPU, Memory, Temperature and Gateway Usage sourced from Nagios Plugin Performance Data
     * Splunk License Usage Graph - featuring the new nagios plugin: check_splunk_license
     * External lookup scripts for integration with MK Livestatus - featuring 2 new dashboards updated with live status data from Nagios
     * Search Nagios alerts and notifications and trend problems over time
     * Over 40 field extractions, compliant with the Common Information Model
     * 8 Saved Searches - featuring a CMDB Report and Service Alerts by Service Group

   * This is version 2.0.1 of Splunk for Nagios - any feedback, including requests for enhancement are most welcome. Email: [email protected]
   * This app has been created for the specifics of our Nagios environment, so it may or may not suit your specific purposes
   * Copyright (c) 2011 Luke Harris. All Rights Reserved.

Setup Splunk for Nagios
Add an Index to Splunk:
   * Create an index called nagios then restart Splunk
      * Note: all of the dashboards use searches based on index = nagios

Add new Data Inputs:
   * Note: Users who have upgraded from Splunk for Nagios v. 1.0 to v. 1.1.1+ are required to add two additional data inputs (host-perfdata & service-perfdata)

Here are two methods to ingest the nagios log files from your Nagios server to your Splunk indexer (chose only one method):

1. Configure a 'Universal Forwarder' on the Nagios server
      * cd $SPLUNK_HOME/bin (eg. cd /opt/splunkforwarder/bin)
         * ./splunk start
         * ./splunk add forward-server
         * Note: replace $NAGIOS_HOME with the relevant directory (eg. /opt/nagios)
            * ./splunk add monitor $NAGIOS_HOME/var/nagios.log -sourcetype nagios -hostname
            * ./splunk add monitor $NAGIOS_HOME/var/host-perfdata -sourcetype nagioshostperf -hostname
            * ./splunk add monitor $NAGIOS_HOME/var/service-perfdata -sourcetype nagiosserviceperf -hostname
      * edit $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/search/local/inputs.conf on the Nagios server and add the following key/value pair:
         * index = nagios
      * restart the Splunk UF agent:
         * ./splunk restart


2. Configure nagios log file ingestion using 'rsync' on the Splunk indexer

a/ nagios.log :-
   * Click Manager > Data inputs > Files & Directories > New
   * Specify the source: Continuously index data from a file or directory this Splunk instance can access
   * Full path to your data: eg. /log/nagios/nagios.log
   * Tick More settings
   * Set host: constant value
   * Host field value: eg.
   * Set the source type: Manual
   * Source type: nagios
   * Index: nagios
   * Click Save
b/ host-perfdata :-
   * Click Manager > Data inputs > Files & Directories > New
   * Specify the source: Continuously index data from a file or directory this Splunk instance can access
   * Full path to your data: eg. /log/nagios/host-perfdata
   * Tick More settings
   * Set host: constant value
   * Host field value: eg.
   * Set the source type: Manual
   * Source type: nagioshostperf
   * Index: nagios
   * Click Save
c/ service-perfdata :-
   * Click Manager > Data inputs > Files & Directories > New
   * Specify the source: Continuously index data from a file or directory this Splunk instance can access
   * Full path to your data: eg. /log/nagios/service-perfdata
   * Tick More settings
   * Set host: constant value
   * Host field value: eg.
   * Set the source type: Manual
   * Source type: nagiosserviceperf
   * Index: nagios
   * Click Save

Nagios Configuration (REQUIRED)
1/ Update the following configuration options in $NAGIOS_HOME/etc/nagios.cfg



2/ Update the following configuration options in $NAGIOS_HOME/etc/objects/commands.cfg
Note: replace /opt/nagios with your $NAGIOS_HOME

# 'nagios-process-host-perfdata' command definition
define command{
        command_name    nagios-process-host-perfdata
        command_line    /usr/bin/printf "%b" "$TIMET$ src_host=\"$HOSTNAME$\" perfdata=\"HOSTPERFDATA\" hoststate=\"$HOSTSTATE$\" attempt=\"$HOSTATTEMPT$\" statetype=\"$HOSTSTATETYPE$\" executiontime=\"$HOSTEXECUTIONTIME$\" reason=\"$HOSTOUTPUT$\" result=\"$HOSTPERFDATA$\"\n" >> /opt/nagios/var/host-perfdata

# 'nagios-process-service-perfdata' command definition
define command{
        command_name    nagios-process-service-perfdata
        command_line    /usr/bin/printf "%b" "$TIMET$ src_host=\"$HOSTNAME$\" perfdata=\"SERVICEPERFDATA\" name=\"$SERVICEDESC$\" severity=\"$SERVICESTATE$\" attempt=\"$SERVICEATTEMPT$\" statetype=\"$SERVICESTATETYPE$\" executiontime=\"$SERVICEEXECUTIONTIME$\" latency=\"$SERVICELATENCY$\" reason=\"$SERVICEOUTPUT$\" result=\"$SERVICEPERFDATA$\"\n" >> /opt/nagios/var/service-perfdata

# 'nagios-process-host-perfdata-file' command definition
define command{
        command_name    nagios-process-host-perfdata-file
        command_line    /bin/cat /dev/null > /opt/nagios/var/host-perfdata

# 'nagios-process-service-perfdata-file' command definition
define command{
        command_name    nagios-process-service-perfdata-file
        command_line    /bin/cat /dev/null > /opt/nagios/var/service-perfdata


3/ Update the following configuration options in $NAGIOS_HOME/etc/objects/templates.cfg
Note: ensure that the following variable is updated for BOTH host AND service templates :-
process_perf_data               1               ; Process performance data


4/ Run the following command to check your Nagios configuration file for errors:
$NAGIOS_HOME/bin/nagios -v $NAGIOS_HOME/etc/nagios.cfg

5/ If everything is ok, you may issue the following command to reload Nagios:
/etc/init.d/nagios reload

Setup rsync cron jobs on the Splunk server
Note: replace /opt/nagios with your $NAGIOS_HOME
*/5 * * * * rsync -q -az --timeout=60 --bwlimit=500 /log/nagios/nagios.log
*/5 * * * * rsync -q -az --timeout=60 --bwlimit=500 /log/nagios/host-perfdata
*/5 * * * * rsync -q -az --timeout=60 --bwlimit=500 /log/nagios/service-perfdata

MK Livestatus Integration
Livestatus makes use of the Nagios Event Broker API for accessing status and
object data. It opens a socket by which data can be retrieved on demand. The
socket allows you to send a request for hosts, services or other pieces of
data and get an immediate answer. The data is directly read from Nagios'
internal data structures.

Version 2.0.1 of Splunk for Nagios includes external scripts for livestatus
integration that must be updated for your nagios environment:
Edit the following python scripts using your favourite text editor and replace
the IP address and Port number with your Nagios server with MK Livestatus. The
following scripts are located in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/SplunkForNagios/bin/
   * - displays number of Hosts that are currently Up
   * - displays number of Hosts that are currently Down
   * - displays number of Hosts that are currently Unreachable
   * - displays number of Services that are currently OK
   * - displays number of Services that are currently Warning
   * - displays number of Services that are currently Critical
   * - displays number of Services that are currently Unknown
   * - displays the current status of a given service
   * - lookup script to display all devices in nagios, including ip address, description and current state
   * - wrapper script for
   * - lookup script to display all service groups and their members with current state

   * The Livestatus dashboards and the new reports will NOT work if you do not edit the scripts as instructed above.
   * netcat must be installed on your splunk server for the lookup scripts to work (usually included by default in most Linux Distributions)


Nagios Plugins supported by Splunk for Nagios
   * All Official Nagios Plugins:
   * Check EMC Isilon:
   * Check EMC Celerra:
   * Check CPU Performance:
   * check_iftraffic_nrpe:
      * Note: check_iftraffic_nrpe requires a patch to work with Splunk for Nagios :-
         1/ Download the script from the url above
         2/ Convert the script from dos format to *nix:
            # dos2unix
         3/ Apply the patch which is located at $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/SplunkForNagios/appserver/static/
            # patch <

Cisco Network Compliant Plugins:
Note: the 5 updated Cisco network scripts (above) are located at

Splunk License Usage Plugin:
   * check_splunk_license:
Note: the updated script (above) is located at
Requires access to splunk:8089, and a user with license_edit and license_tab
capabilities. Current version is limited to pool usage monitoring only.
Copy the script to your Splunk Indexer and update the nrpe config file, eg.
/etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg :-
command[check_splunk_license]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ce/check_splunk_license $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$
Update your nagios server configuration to add the new nagios check for your Splunk Index server, eg.
define command {
command_name                  check_splunk_license
command_line                  $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c $ARG1$ -t 30 -a $ARG2$ $ARG3$ $ARG4$

define service {
service_description           Splunk License Usage
use                           master-service-template
host_name                     splunki
check_command                 check_splunk_license!check_splunk_license!!admin!password

How To Send Alerts From Splunk to Nagios
Configure a Scheduled Saved Search in Splunk to send alerts to Nagios:
   * Prerequisites:
      * send_nsca must be installed on the *nix Splunk server
      * nsca must be listening on the Nagios server 
   * The Saved Search must begin with the corresponding hostname defined in Nagios followed by a hyphen then the Service defined in Nagios, eg.
      * server01 - XYZ Alert
   * Time range:
      * Start time  = -5m@m
      * Finish time = now
   * Schedule and alert:
      * tick "Schedule this search"
   * Schedule type = Basic
      * Run every = 5 minutes
   * Alert conditions:
      * Perform actions = if number of events
         * is greater than 0 (if an alert is to be generated when a given event occurs)
            * or
         * is equal to 0 (if an alert is to be generated when a given event does not occur)
   * Alert actions:
      * tick Trigger shell script
   * Filename of shell script to execute =

Edit the script located at $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/SplunkForNagios/bin/scripts/ 
and change the following variables so that they are relevant to your environment:
      * SPLUNKSERVER=splunk01 (ie. hostname of the splunk server)
      * WWW=splunk (ie. url of splunk search head)
      * NSCABIN=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins (ie. location of send_nsca on your splunk server)
      * NSCACFG=$NSCABIN (ie. location of send_nsca.cfg on your splunk server)
      * (ie. Fully Qualified Domain Name of your Nagios server)
      * NSCAPORT=5667 (ie. port number of the nsca daemon on your Nagios server)

Common Information Model compliant fields:
src_host = Hostname of Nagios Client (tranforms existing fields: hostalert hostcurrent hostexternal hostpassive hostnotification hostservicestate)
severity = Nagios Alert Severity, eg. OK, WARNING, CRITICAL, UNKNOWN (tranforms existing fields: status servicestatus statusnotification)
reason = Nagios Alert Message (tranforms existing fields: statusinfoexternal statusinfo notificationinfo passiveserviceinfo hostcurrentinfo servicestateinfo hostinfo hostnotificationinfo)
name = Nagios Plugin Name (tranforms existing fields: servicealertname servicepassivename serviceexternal servicenamenotification servicestatename downtimeservicename hoststatus)
user_id = User id of Nagios User receiving a host or service notification (tranforms existing field: username)

Saved Searches & Reports
   * nagios - Host or Service Notifications - Last 60 minutes
   * nagios - Service Notifications with state Critical - Last 60 minutes
   * nagios - Host Down Notifications - Last 60 minutes
   * nagios - Number of Alerts - Last 60 minutes
   * nagios - Host or Service Alerts - Last 60 minutes
   * nagios - Scheduled Downtime by host and service - Last 24 Hours
   * nagios - Lookup All Devices - CMDB
   * nagios - Service Alerts by Service Group - Last 24 Hours

Status Dashboard
   * Warning Alerts - Last 60 Minutes
      * Displays the number of Host & Service alerts with a severity of Warning
   * Critical Alerts - Last 60 Minutes
      * Displays the number of Host & Service alerts with a severity of Critical
   * Warning and Critical Alerts
      * Displays the top 5 Host & Service alerts with a severity of Warning & Critical
   * Top 10 Service Notifications with a severity of Warning
      * Displays a chart of recent service notifications
   * Top 10 Service Notifications with a severity of Critical
      * Displays a chart of recent service notifications

Livestatus Dashboard
There are 3 panels in the dashboard populated by external scripts that query MK Livestatus for live status data from Nagios:
   * Hosts - featuring the number of current Up, Down, & Unreachable hosts
      * note: click on the number of Down or Unreachable hosts to drill-down
   * Services - featuring the number of current OK, Warning, Critical, & Unknown alerts
   * Service Alerts - featuring a table view of all current service alerts
   * Edit the dashboard xml using your favourite text editor and change the "src_host" name to a relevant device name in nagios :)

Alerts Dashboard
   * Featuring an auto-populating drop-down list of device names to easily display relevant alert history
      * Note: the drop-down list is auto-populated by a hidden search that extracts the src_host field from the nagios log that contains nagiosevent="CURRENT HOST STATE" - generated by default by Nagios at midnight every day.

Livestatus Alerts Dashboard
Featuring an auto-populating drop-down list of device names to easily display
relevant alert history, populated by an external script that queries MK
Livestatus for live service status data from Nagios
the drop-down list is auto-populated by a hidden search that
extracts the src_host field from the nagios log that contains
nagiosevent="CURRENT HOST STATE" - generated by default by Nagios at midnight
every day.

Performance Dashboards
Each of the following dashboards use one base search to feed all downstream
panels to save search resources.
these graphs have been optimized for a 24 hour time span. If you require a longer time window, please update the span value accordingly.
   * Using your favourite xml editor, change the "name" values in all of
these dashboards to the relevant service/plugin names that are in use in your
nagios environment:-

Host specific dashboards:
   * Featuring an auto-populating drop-down list of device names to easily display relevant alerts, notifications and performance graphs:
   * Note: the drop-down list is auto-populated by a hidden search that extracts the src_host field from the nagios log that contains nagiosevent="CURRENT HOST STATE" - generated by default for all devices in Nagios at midnight every day.
      * Nagios Linux Performance Graphs
      * Nagios *nix Filesystem Usage Graphs
      * Nagios AIX Performance Graphs
      * Nagios AIX Filesystem Usage Graphs
      * Nagios BSD Performance Graphs
      * Nagios Windows Performance Graphs

NAS specific dashboards:
   * Featuring a search box to enter the relevant hostname of your NAS device to easily display relevant alerts, notifications and performance graphs:
      * Nagios Isilon Performance Graphs
      * Nagios Celerra Performance Graphs

Cisco Network dashboards:
   * Featuring 5 dashboards with Graphs of Network Interface Utilization, CPU, Memory, Temperature and Gateway Usage (Special thanks to Mike Pagano for providing these awesome dashboards)
      * Nagios Cisco Hardware Performance Graphs
      * Nagios Cisco Hardware Temperature Graphs
      * Nagios Cisco Gateway Activity Graphs
      * Nagios Cisco Network Activity Graphs
      * Nagios Cisco Network Multiple Interface Activity Graphs
   * Using your favourite xml editor, change the "src_host" name to your relevant device names in nagios :)

   * This app has been created for the specifics of our Nagios environment (Nagios Core version 3.2.1) and it may or may not suit your specific purposes.


 - fixed bug in Livestatus Alerts Dashboard
 - added check_splunk_license script and new dashboard: Nagios Splunk License Usage Graph

 - added external lookup scripts for integration with MK Livestatus
 - added 2 dashboards updated with live status data from Nagios
 - added a CMDB Report and Service Alerts by Service Group
 - added 5 Cisco Network Dashboards with Graphs of Network Interface Utilization, CPU, Memory, Temperature and Gateway Usage sourced from Nagios Plugin Performance Data
 - added AIX Filesystem Usage Graphs
 - added BSD specific Host Dashboard

 - added 2 NAS Dashboards with Graphs of Storage Usage, Quota Usage, SAVVOL Usage, Connections by Protocol, etc (EMC Isilon and Celerra)

 - added 4 all new Powerful Views with Graphs of metal level metrics sourced from Nagios Plugin Performance Data
 - added Nagios Alerts Form Search with an auto-populating drop-down list of all device names to easily display relevant alert history
 - added 5 all new field extractions for CIM compliance:

 - initial release


Splunk for Nagios







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  • Perl 88.4%
  • Python 9.8%
  • Shell 1.8%