Copyright © 2015-2016, Markus These
Client libraries for communicating with a Jenkins CI Update Center.
This project is a simple API client for interacting with the Update-Center of the Jenkins Continuous Integration server.
This projects currently only provides functionality for the Jenkins and Plugins.
Install jenkins-update-center by sudo gem install jenkins-update-center Include this gem in your code as a require statement.
require 'jenkins-update-center'
The following example passes the update-center.json file contents from And returns all informations from the latest available jenkins-version.
#return: Jenkinsinformation as JSON
@jenkins_informations = JenkinsUpdateCenter.latest_jenkins_informations
puts @jenkins_informations
You can also get the information of a specific Plugin
#return: Plugininformation as JSON
@plugin_information = JenkinsUpdateCenter.latest_plugin_informations('ansicolor')
puts @plugin_information
If you need the latest versions of all Plugins, use this:
#return: Plugininformation as HASH {"plugin"=>"1.2.3"}
@all_plugin_versions = JenkinsUpdateCenter.all_latest_plugin_versions
puts @all_plugin_versions
{"buildDate"=>"Oct 29, 2015", "dependencies"=>[], "developers"=>[{"developerId"=>"dblock", "email"=>"[email protected]", "name"=>"Daniel Doubrovkine"}], "excerpt"=>"This plugin adds support for ANSI escape sequences, including color, to Console Output.", "gav"=>"org.jenkins-ci.plugins:ansicolor:0.4.2", "labels"=>["misc"], "name"=>"ansicolor", "previousTimestamp"=>"2014-12-11T16:10:12.00Z", "previousVersion"=>"0.4.1", "releaseTimestamp"=>"2015-10-29T11:46:12.00Z", "requiredCore"=>"1.609.1", "scm"=>"", "sha1"=>"dvrijC29PnvdoK12Xr/d7pWF/nc=", "title"=>"AnsiColor", "url"=>"", "version"=>"0.4.2", "wiki"=>""}