This repository will contain python scripts for hackers and pentesters. stop being limited with availble tools. Build your own.
Don't be script kiddie, try to write your own applications and get your hacking tools to do what you want them to do and if there isn't a hacking tool that does what you want to do create your own.
In this tutorial I'm going to show you how you can create a simple python script that can steal passwords for all the wi-fi networks on a computer. But before we jump into into scripting. This can save you a lot of time and effort unlike using brute forcing method. **Complete Guide: **
In this tutorial you will learn how to crack ftp servers using dictionary attack(brute force with a word-list) with the help of a ftplib module in python. A brute-force attack is an attack that submits many passwords to a password protected file or service with the hope of guessing correctly.
We will be using the ftplib module which comes built-in with python and colorama (third-part) module to print colors in python.
Complete Guide:
In this guide, we are going to learn how to code a very effective, yet precise keylogger using a third-part python module called pynput. In case if you don't know, a keylogger is program that monitors keystrokes. A keylogger's basic functionality is to monitor keystrokes continuously and sent those keystrokes to a specific location, that can be either your email, server, or stored locally in your system. Complete guide:
Scapy is a python interactive packet manipulation program/library for computer networks. It runs natively on Linux, Mac OS X and the latest version of scapy also supports windows out-out-the-box. So, you can use nearly all scapy's features on a windows machine without any problems. Complete guide: