This client library allows Python 3 scripts (Python 2 probably compatible but not officially supported) to interact with DSpace 7+ repositories, using the DSpace REST API.
This library is a work in progress and so far offers basic create, update, retrieve functionality for Community, Collection, Bundle, Item, Bitstream, Group and User (EPerson) objects.
Help with extending the scope and improving the code is always welcome!
PyPI homepage:
- Python 3.x (developed using Python 3.8.5)
- Python Requests module (see
) - Working DSpace 7 repository with an accessible REST API
To install with pip:
pip install dspace_rest_client
(or pip3
or python -m pip
as appropriate to your environment)
To install manually, clone this repository and install the requirements:
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
After installing dependencies, you're ready to run the script. You can either pass the base API URL to the DSpaceClient() constructor or set them as environment variables.
Some environment variables can be used when setting up the REST client connection.
is the base URL of your endpoint eg. http://localhost:8080/server
are credentials to use for authentication.
See the
script for an example of community, collection, item, bundle and bitstream creation.
Just set the credentials and base URL at the top of the script to match your test system, or if you've set environment
variables, remove the arguments from the DSpaceClient() instantiation and the environment variables will be used as
The output from the
script should look something like:
╰─$ python 1 ↵
Updating token to 9730dfb9-c4ea-4f56-a2f0-4dc4cacf5059
Authenticated successfully as [email protected]
API Post: Updating token to b44f91c2-5386-4c11-a1ca-1ea06613fae4
{"timestamp":"2022-02-10T05:44:12.758+00:00","status":403,"error":"Forbidden","message":"Access is denied. Invalid CSRF token.","path":"/server/api/core/communities"}
API Post: Retrying request with updated CSRF token
community 31264734-49c0-4bff-8ed7-e09e3abbfe7a created successfully!
New community created! Handle: 123456789/10
collection c010ef9c-2483-47c3-83af-8a8c1f72e888 created successfully!
New collection created! Handle: 123456789/11
item e59dfc7a-f96e-4897-a913-e962b220132b created successfully!
New item created! Handle: 123456789/12
New bundle created! UUID: 528d1dd9-ca62-4609-bb2e-1ab367299447
New bitstream created! UUID: 4740048b-25fa-4040-b0d1-4b27f13de75d
All finished with example data creation. Visit your test repository to review created objects
Created by Kim Shepherd for The Library Code GmbH with support from Universität Hohenheim
This work is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License
Copyright 2021 The Library Code GmbH