- Portland, OR
- ZacStowellCodes.com
fitness-tracker Public
Create workouts and populate them with exercises. This app helps you organize your fitness routine!
google-books-api Public
A React app for searching the Google Books API. A Mongoose database allows the user to save and delete search result from a 'saved' list. This is the 'back-end' reposity for the application, contai…
group-planner Public
A group project allowing collaboration with many users over multiple projects or events.
burger Public
A MySQL database allows users to create a list of burgers that need to be devoured. Then, once the user has successfully devoured said burger they can move it to the "Burgers Conquests" list by cli…
bcs-data-viewer Public
This application serves as an aid for instructional staff with 2U/Trilogy Ed coding bootcamps. It aggregates all student data (grades, attendance, group projects, etc) into clean, pleasant and easy…