- ✨ I'm Rhoda Michael ✨
- 🔭 I’ve been told I have an impressive work drive and dedication, you'd get to see that for yourself soon!
- 🌱 A lover of researching users and their motivations, bidding my time crafting and delivering simple yet practical designs.
- 👯 I get enthusiastic about building new stuff and collaborating on projects...
- 🤔 The one person on your team to ask questions later. I process information differently.
- 💬 A mental health advocate, I express myself through writing and writing.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I have a healthy addiction to kdramas/kpop, a bookworm, and I dance way better in my head...
Spotify’s UX Copy: A case study
Identifying Common Website Structures
Dealing with Mental Health in an African Home
I Couldn’t Think Up a Suitable Title!
Find my articles here; Medium