Releases: theRealBitcoinClub/flutter_coinector
Releases · theRealBitcoinClub/flutter_coinector
Local Bitcoin Map 4.20.82 APK
3045 places
- 4.20.82 show coins
- 4.20.79 update data
- 4.20.54 use jpgs, load gifs from new repo, remove outdated
tab icon tint color white
updated libs
marker gfx update
menu UX improvement v89 2022/JUN/11
Coinector 6.9.0 APK
UP-TO-DATE 28.12.2024
change log:
- 6.9.0 Flutter 3.6.0
- 4.20.97 unique verified places 3887
- 4.20.89 scrollbar
- 4.20.88 update checker on
- 4.20.87 optimized caching
- 4.20.86 3438 unique verified places
- 4.20.82 3045 unique verified places
- 4.20.81 map tilt
- 4.20.77 performance
- 4.20.72 clickable brand n coin
- 4.20.71 update place
- 4.20.69 statistics
- 4.20.55 brands n coins suggestions
- 4.20.54 bigger jpgs
- 4.20.53 target compile Android 32
- 4.20.52 add queries to manifest
- 4.20.51 update libs, fix url launcher
- 4.20.50 2363 places 300+ tags
- 6.9.49 2239 places USA, EU, Caracas
- 6.9.48 scraped all america except Caracas and USA
- 6.9.47 1971 places (scraped asia, australia, africa, all except america & europe)
- 6.9.46 1813 places
- 6.9.45 1746 places
- 6.9.44 1653 places
- 4.20.43 map info window select
- 4.20.42 match locations
- 4.20.41 title search & animate to result
- 4.20.39 layout search
- 4.20.38 recently added carribean islands, japan, australia
Coinector 6.9.85 - Manager Panel APK
The workflow for adding places is different to the normal user mode which is a link to Google Form
While this version has a panel to manage and review places that have been prefilled by the operators.
change log:
- 6.9.85 loader images
- 6.9.84 pimp review
- 6.9.80 map tilt, gocrypto, zcash
- 6.9.77 map, performace, stats
- 6.9.71 update place
- 6.9.70 charts
- 6.9.69 preselect BCHLatam, loader
- 6.9.68 chunk id
- 6.9.67 improved tag matching
- 6.9.66 match name with tags
- 6.9.65 tags in 13 languages
- 6.9.64 improved tag matching for review
- 6.9.63 translate tags
- 6.9.62 upgrade libs
- 6.9.61 chunk continents
- 6.9.60 load remote reviewabless
- 6.9.59 chunk suggestions after review
- 6.9.58 gocrypto
- 6.9.57 chunk places, more efficient import
- 6.9.56 use remote source for reviewables
- 6.9.50 2363 places, 316 tags
- 6.9.49 2239 places USA, EU, Caracas
- 6.9.48 scraped all america except Caracas and USA
- 6.9.47 1971 places (scraped asia, australia, africa, all except america & europe)
- 6.9.46 1813 places
- 6.9.45 1746 places
- 6.9.44 1653 places
- 4.20.43 map info window select
- 4.20.42 match locations
- 4.20.41 title search & animate to result
- 4.20.39 layout search
- 4.20.38 recently added carribean islands, japan, australia
- 6.9.38 +165 places australia
- 6.9.37 100 reviewed australia
- 6.9.36 select form place
- 6.9.35 +220 reviewables
- 6.9.32 update packages pubspec.yaml
- 6.9.31 +27 places cuyagua & maracay
- 6.9.30 +150 places marteen & japan
- 6.9.28 +100 places st. maarten
- 6.9.27 reviewables
- 6.9.26 add tags
- 6.9.23 tag match algorithm
- 6.9.22 multiple google places
- 6.9.21 character limit name 100
- 6.9.20 haz 100 reviewed places
- 6.9.19 added tags with emojis