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3. Sales Data

Vitaliy Zurian edited this page Nov 18, 2015 · 2 revisions


In order to import sales data to the system, run this command:

app/console app:import:sale --env=prod

If you want to receive notification about every new sale, run this command with the appropriate flag:

app/console app:import:sale --new-sale-notification --env=prod

It makes sense to first import all the sales (without notifications), because the notification just checks the delta of saved sales and of the Atlassian Marketplace API


It makes sense to configure a cronjob that periodically imports the data

For example, to run this command every 5 minutes:

*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/marketplace-crm/app/console app:import:sale --new-sale-notification --env=prod
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