Net-IDN-LanguageTag attemts to automatically parse RFC5646 language tags into a Class::Accessor object and build as much information as possible. For example, if your language tag is en-GB (language-region), the accesssor will contain the following methods.
At the moment its a bit limited with more complex tags.
TODO: has some regexs that might help...
$tag = Net::IDN::LanguageTag->new('en-GB-Latn'); # new object parses immediately
print $tag->language(); # en
print $tag->region(); # GB
print $tag->script(); # Latn
# using ISO names
print $tag->iso639_1(); # en
print $tag->iso639_2(); # eng
print $tag->iso3166_1(); # GB
print $tag->iso15924(); # Latn
# human readable
print $tag->language_name(); # English
print $tag->region_name(); # United Kingdom
print $tag->script_name(); # Latin