An installation script to install Octoprint on Raspbian Stretch. Can optionally install and configure all of the following for complete working setup with touchscreen support:
- OctoPrint -- install Octoprint from latest source
- HAProxy -- install and configure to proxy everything through port 80
- Enable_GL -- Enable Hardware Acceleration (Only tested with Rpi3 on Stretch)
- LCD Portrait Rotation -- Configure LCD for Portrait Mode (Only tested with Official 7" LCD Touchscreen)
- TouchUI -- Installs and configured TouchUI and automatic startup directly in to X (No Desktop)
- Custom BootSplash -- Configures a custom animated boot screen
- Samba/Bonjour -- Allows LAN access to Octoprint by hostname
On a fresh installation on Raspbian Stretch, retrieve and run the install shell script.
~ $ wget
~ $ chmod 755
~ $ sudo ./