Building platform-tools and build-tools for Android, such as aapt aapt2 aidl zipalign adb fastboot
... etc
If you need other tools, please refer to existing tools to add CMake file
Currently only test the aarch64 architecture
I haven't tested other architectures, so I can't guarantee it will work, although I have support for cross-compiling
Method one, download the release/
directly to compile, the source code has been patched
# arch [armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64]
python \
--ndk=/path/to/android-ndk-xxx \
--abi arm64-v8a
# specify the build output directory, default is build
python \
--ndk=/path/to/android-ndk-xxx \
--abi arm64-v8a \
--build build/aarch64
# specify the build target, such as aapt2 adb, etc
python \
--ndk=/path/to/android-ndk-xxx \
--abi arm64-v8a \
--build build/aarch64 \
--target aapt2
# there are also some options, execute python --help to see
Method two, start from scratch,git clone the source code, then patch it manually
Why patch it manually? the main reason is the aosp master branch is updated very quickly,
so the patch files may be incompatible
# clone the repository
git clone --depth=1
cd sdk-tools
# download the source code default is master branch
# or you can specify the git tags
# the all available tags
python --tags platform-tools-33.0.3
# note that you need a host protoc before compilation for generating cpp files
# host protoc not target platform protoc
# how to get a host protoc
# cd src/protobuf, use host clang or gcc to compile it, you can get a host protoc
# why not use the system's protobuf? mainly the version incompatibility
# if the protobuf version is too new, you may encounter the following error
# error: this file was generated by a newer version of protoc
python \
--ndk=/path/to/android-ndk-xxx \
--abi arm64-v8a \
--build build/aarch64 \